Top 374 mongoose open source projects

Express Mongoose Es6 Rest Api
💥 A boilerplate application for building RESTful APIs Microservice in Node.js using express and mongoose in ES6 with code coverage and JsonWebToken Authentication
Open source web application to learn JS stack: React, Material-UI, Next.js, Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose, MongoDB database.
Generator Api
🚀 Yeoman generator for creating RESTful NodeJS APIs, using ES6, Mongoose and Express
Koa2 Mongodb Server
Sinn Server
an node server for sinn,that based on of nodejs,koa2,mongoose,docker,nginx,es6/7,Resful API,阿里云
Mern Passport
A boilerplate example of using passport.js for authenticating a MERN application
Graphql Demo
🎉Koa + GraphQL + Apollo-Server demo
Express Es6 Rest Api
🔋 Starter project for an ES6 RESTful Express API.
一款基于Next.js+mongo的轻量级开源社区(open community by Next.js & mongo)
Mern Ecommerce
🎈 Fullstack MERN Ecommerce Application
Getting started with Puppeteer and Chrome Headless for Web Scraping
Build your own SaaS business with SaaS boilerplate. Productive stack: React, Material-UI, Next, MobX, WebSockets, Express, Node, Mongoose, MongoDB. Written with TypeScript.
Angular2 Express Mongoose Gulp Node Typescript
AngularJS 2 (Updated to 4.2.0) Mean Stack application which uses Angular2, Gulp, Express, Node, MongoDB (Mongoose) with Repository Pattern Business Layer
Vue Mall Mobile
🔥 vue + koa + mongodb 搭建 mobile web 商城 (End。。。)
Vue Node Pastime
😄 基于vue全家桶、nodejs和mongodb的前后端整合项目
DEPRECATED. Evmongoose is an asynchronous, event(libev) based multi-protocol embedded networking library with functions including TCP, HTTP, WebSocket, MQTT and much more. It's based on mongoose and libev implementation and it's support Lua API.
Feathers Vue
A boiler plate template using Feathers with Email Verification, Vue 2 with Server Side Rendering, stylus, scss, jade, babel, webpack, ES 6-8, login form, user authorization, and SEO
Node Rem
Node REM - NodeJS Rest Express MongoDB and more: typescript, passport, JWT,, HTTPS, HTTP2, async/await, nodemailer, templates, pagination, docker, etc. Live Demo:
Mongoose module for Nest framework (node.js) 🍸
something like QQ、weibo、weChat(vue+express+socket.io仿微博、微信的聊天社交平台)
Focus Budget Manager
Budget Manager application built with Vue.js, Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB
Ts Mongoose
Automatically infer TypeScript interfaces from mongoose schemas🙀
Data Drive Management System
Mongoose Sequence
Sequence and autoincrement handling for mongoose
Express Es6 Starter
Starter project for creating a MVC express server with MongoDB
a blog based on of react,webpack3,dva,redux,material-ui,fetch,generator,markdown,nodejs,koa2,mongoose,docker,shell,and async/await 基于react+koa2技术栈的个人开源博客系统
Mongoose Findorcreate
Simple plugin for Mongoose which adds a findOrCreate method to models.
👦 Lad is the best Node.js framework. Made by a former Express TC and Koa team member.
Mongoose Autopopulate
Always populate() certain fields in your mongoose schemas
Ecommerce Site Template
A beautiful e-commerce template powered by React, Redux and other modern web tech.
Nestjs Mongoose Crud
Nest.js crud module for mongoose models without `nestjsx/crud`
🍿 Open Source GraphQL API for Online Shows
Nauth Restful Api
Node.js+Mongoose的RestfulApi的用户token权限验证(just a demo)
Next Graphql Blog
🖊 A Blog including a server and a client. Server is built with Node, Express & a customized GraphQL-yoga server. Client is built with React, Next js & Apollo client.
This project provides Scala.js type-safe bindings for Node.js (current) v8.7.0 and LTS v6.11.4 APIs. The platform supports MEAN (MongoDB, Express, AngularJs, NodeJS), Cassandra, MySQL and many other npm projects.
React Express Blog Demo
🔥 React full stack+Express+Mongo implementation blog website tutorial 🌚
Node Easy Notes App
A simple Note-Taking app built using Node.js, Express and Mongoose
Node Express Mongo Api
Starter project for a REST API with Node.js, Express & MongoDB 🔋
Nest User Auth
A starter build for a back end which implements managing users with MongoDB, Mongoose, NestJS, Passport-JWT, and GraphQL.
Gindex V4
A Vue Js Based G Index with Improved Dark Mode, Search and Video Player
Api Query Params
Convert URL query parameters to MongoDB queries
Express Oas Generator
OpenAPI (Swagger) specification generator for ExpressJS applications
Fastify Api
A blazing fast REST APIs with Node.js, MongoDB, Fastify and Swagger.
Node Elm
基于 node.js + Mongodb 构建的后台系统
Nodejs Rest Api Project Structure Express
Nodejs project structure practices for building RESTful APIs using Express framework and MongoDB.
🙋travelib-node 流动图书Node.js后端
Guwen Spider
一个完整的nodeJs 串行爬虫 抓取3万多个页面。
1-60 of 374 mongoose projects