199 open source projects by aws

151. sagemaker-scikit-learn-extension
A library of additional estimators and SageMaker tools based on scikit-learn
152. porting-assistant-dotnet-visual-studio-ide-extension
Porting Assistant for .NET is an analysis tool that scans .NET Framework applications and generates a .NET Core compatibility assessment, helping customers port their applications to Linux faster.
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153. aws-sdk-net-extensions-cognito
An extension library to assist in the Amazon Cognito User Pools authentication process
155. eks-anywhere-prow-jobs
This repository contains Prowjob configurations for Amazon EKS Anywhere. You can view the jobs at https://prow.eks.amazonaws.com.
156. sagemaker-pytorch-inference-toolkit
Toolkit for allowing inference and serving with PyTorch on SageMaker. Dockerfiles used for building SageMaker Pytorch Containers are at https://github.com/aws/deep-learning-containers.
157. aws-connected-device-framework
No description, website, or topics provided.
158. crypto-tools
AWS Crypto Tools Team
159. aws-iot-device-sdk-java-v2
Next generation AWS IoT Client SDK for Java using the AWS Common Runtime
160. aws-ec2-instance-connect-cli
This is an all-in-one client for EC2 Instance Connect that handles key brokerage and establishing connection to EC2 Instances through an interface near-identical to standard system ssh, sftp, and other utilities.
161. aws-xray-java-agent
The official AWS X-Ray Auto Instrumentation Agent for Java.
164. amazon-ecs-shim-loggers-for-containerd
Logger shim repository for streaming container logs when using Containerd
165. aws-xray-sdk-dotnet
The official AWS X-Ray SDK for .NET.
166. sagemaker-mxnet-inference-toolkit
Toolkit for allowing inference and serving with MXNet in SageMaker. Dockerfiles used for building SageMaker MXNet Containers are at https://github.com/aws/deep-learning-containers.
167. ec2-image-builder-roadmap
Public Roadmap for EC2 Image Builder.
168. sagemaker-tensorflow-extensions
SageMaker specific extensions to TensorFlow.
169. amazon-kinesis-video-streams-parser-library
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams parser library is for developers to include in their applications that makes it easy to work with the output of video streams such as retrieving frame-level objects, metadata for fragments, and more.
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170. aws-emr-containers-best-practices
Best practices and recommendations for getting started with Amazon EMR on EKS.
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172. aws-msk-iam-auth
Enables developers to use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to connect to their Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) clusters.
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173. porting-assistant-dotnet-datastore
The 'Porting Assistant for .NET' is a standalone compatibility analyzer that helps customers to port their .NET Framework (“.NET”) applications to .NET Core on Linux.
174. constructs
Define composable configuration models through code
175. aws-dotnet-deploy
Opinionated tooling that simplifies deployment of .NET applications to AWS.
176. eks-distro-build-tooling
This repository contains tooling used to build the EKS Distro, and all the projects contained in https://github.com/aws/eks-distro.
177. aws-js-sns-message-validator
No description, website, or topics provided.
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178. aws-nitro-enclaves-nsm-api
This provides a library for interacting with the Nitro Secure Module, which provides Nitro Enclaves with attestation capability.
179. amazon-neptune-csv-to-rdf-converter
Amazon Neptune CSV to RDF Converter is a tool for Amazon Neptune that converts property graphs stored as comma separated values into RDF graphs.
180. aws-sdk-java-archetype
No description, website, or topics provided.
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181. amazon-chime-sdk-component-library-react
Amazon Chime React Component Library with integrations with the Amazon Chime SDK.
182. aws-lambda-ruby-runtime-interface-client
No description, website, or topics provided.
183. homebrew-aws
Homebrew is a package manager for macOS which provides easy installation and update management of additional software. This Tap (repository) contains the Formulae that are used in the macOS AMI that AWS offers.
184. aws-eb-python-dockerfiles
Official Elastic Beanstalk repository for Python docker files.
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185. sagemaker-rl-container
A set of dockerfiles that provide Reinforcement Learning solutions for use in SageMaker.
186. sagemaker-xgboost-container
This is the Docker container based on open source framework XGBoost (https://xgboost.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) to allow customers use their own XGBoost scripts in SageMaker.
187. aws-secretsmanager-caching-python
The AWS Secrets Manager Python caching client enables in-process caching of secrets for Python applications.
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188. aws-dotnet-session-provider
A session state provider for ASP.NET applications that stores the sessions in Amazon DynamoDB
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189. aws-ssm-data-protection-provider-for-aspnet
An extension library to assist with ASP.NET data protection in AWS Lambda.
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190. studio-lab-examples
Example notebooks for working with SageMaker Studio Lab. Sign up for an account at the link below!
191. karpenter
Karpenter is a Kubernetes Node Autoscaler built for flexibility, performance, and simplicity.
192. amazon-freertos-ble-android-sdk
Android SDK for FreeRTOS Bluetooth Devices.
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193. amazon-braket-pennylane-plugin-python
A plugin for allowing Xanadu PennyLane to use Amazon Braket devices
194. clock-bound
Used to generate and compare bounded timestamps.
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195. amazon-ec2-utils
amazon-ec2-utils contains a set of utilities and settings for Linux deployments in EC2
196. aws-secretsmanager-caching-net
The AWS Secrets Manager .NET caching client enables in-process caching of secrets for C# applications.
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197. aws-secretsmanager-jdbc
The AWS Secrets Manager JDBC Library enables Java developers to easily connect to SQL databases using secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager.
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198. aws-nitro-enclaves-sdk-c
This repo provides a C API for AWS Nitro Enclaves, including a KMS SDK that integrates it with attestation.
199. lightsailctl
Amazon Lightsail CLI Extensions
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151-199 of 199 user projects