ModelsModel Zoo for Intel® Architecture: contains Intel optimizations for running deep learning workloads on Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors
GraknTypeDB: a strongly-typed database
AdlikAdlik: Toolkit for Accelerating Deep Learning Inference
Bmw Yolov4 Inference Api GpuThis is a repository for an nocode object detection inference API using the Yolov3 and Yolov4 Darknet framework.
LibonnxA lightweight, portable pure C99 onnx inference engine for embedded devices with hardware acceleration support.
Dl inference通用深度学习推理服务,可在生产环境中快速上线由TensorFlow、PyTorch、Caffe框架训练出的深度学习模型。
ElfiELFI - Engine for Likelihood-Free Inference
Volksdepvolksdep is an open-source toolbox for deploying and accelerating PyTorch, ONNX and TensorFlow models with TensorRT.
SparktorchTrain and run Pytorch models on Apache Spark.
Torch2trtAn easy to use PyTorch to TensorRT converter
Ml privacy meterMachine Learning Privacy Meter: A tool to quantify the privacy risks of machine learning models with respect to inference attacks, notably membership inference attacks
ServerThe Triton Inference Server provides an optimized cloud and edge inferencing solution.
Gpmp2Gaussian Process Motion Planner 2
Hey JetsonDeep Learning based Automatic Speech Recognition with attention for the Nvidia Jetson.
Bert Ner TfNamed Entity Recognition with BERT using TensorFlow 2.0
EmlearnMachine Learning inference engine for Microcontrollers and Embedded devices
MediapipeCross-platform, customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media.
Ncnnncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform
Bmw Labeltool LiteThis repository provides you with a easy to use labeling tool for State-of-the-art Deep Learning training purposes.
Onnxt5Summarization, translation, sentiment-analysis, text-generation and more at blazing speed using a T5 version implemented in ONNX.
ForwardA library for high performance deep learning inference on NVIDIA GPUs.
Compute EngineHighly optimized inference engine for Binarized Neural Networks
Embedded Ai.benchbenchmark for embededded-ai deep learning inference engines, such as NCNN / TNN / MNN / TensorFlow Lite etc.
Ml Model CiMLModelCI is a complete MLOps platform for managing, converting, profiling, and deploying MLaaS (Machine Learning-as-a-Service), bridging the gap between current ML training and serving systems.
NnpackAcceleration package for neural networks on multi-core CPUs
Tf2An Open Source Deep Learning Inference Engine Based on FPGA
Yolov5 Rt StackYet another yolov5, with its runtime stack for libtorch, onnx, tvm and specialized accelerators. You like torchvision's retinanet? You like yolov5? You love yolort!
CnstreamCNStream is a streaming framework for building Cambricon machine learning pipelines
DeltaDELTA is a deep learning based natural language and speech processing platform.
LightnerInference with state-of-the-art models (pre-trained by LD-Net / AutoNER / VanillaNER / ...)
MivisionxMIVisionX toolkit is a set of comprehensive computer vision and machine intelligence libraries, utilities, and applications bundled into a single toolkit. AMD MIVisionX also delivers a highly optimized open-source implementation of the Khronos OpenVX™ and OpenVX™ Extensions.
KglabGraph-Based Data Science: an abstraction layer in Python for building knowledge graphs, integrated with popular graph libraries – atop Pandas, RDFlib, pySHACL, RAPIDS, NetworkX, iGraph, PyVis, pslpython, pyarrow, etc.
Owl RlA simple implementation of the OWL2 RL Profile on top of RDFLib: it expands the graph with all possible triples that OWL RL defines. It can be used together with RDFLib to expand an RDFLib Graph object, or as a stand alone service with its own serialization.
NostrilNostril: Nonsense String Evaluator
LomrfLoMRF is an open-source implementation of Markov Logic Networks
BudgetmlDeploy a ML inference service on a budget in less than 10 lines of code.
Ncnn BenchmarkThe benchmark of ncnn that is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform
OpenlletOpenllet is an OWL 2 reasoner in Java, build on top of Pellet.
People Counter PythonCreate a smart video application using the Intel Distribution of OpenVINO toolkit. The toolkit uses models and inference to run single-class object detection.
Opencv MtcnnAn implementation of MTCNN Face detector using OpenCV's DNN module
Go Mxnet Predictor go binding for mxnet c_predict_api to do inference with pre-trained model
BevelOrdinal regression in Python
ServerServe your Rubix ML models in production with scalable stand-alone model inference servers.
Bmw Classification Inference Gpu CpuThis is a repository for an image classification inference API using the Gluoncv framework. The inference REST API works on CPU/GPU. It's supported on Windows and Linux Operating systems. Models trained using our Gluoncv Classification training repository can be deployed in this API. Several models can be loaded and used at the same time.
Ts Pattern🎨 A complete Pattern Matching library for TypeScript, with smart type inference.