All Git Users → biezhi

17 open source projects by biezhi

1. Anima
Minimal database operation library.
2. Java Library Examples
💪 example of common used libraries and frameworks, programming required, don't fork man.
3. 30 Seconds Of Java8
30 seconds to collect useful Java 8 snippet.
4. Excel Plus
❇️ Improve the productivity of the Excel operation library.
✭ 160
6. Java Tips
🍓 Java 语言编程技巧、最佳实践
✭ 139
7. Gorm Paginator
gorm pagination extension
8. Learn Java8
💖《跟上 Java 8》视频课程源码
✭ 1,135
9. Oh My Request
🔮 simple request library by java8
10. Swing Generate
🙊 Swing development code generator
✭ 36
11. Emojis
this is emoji images
13. Oh My Email
📪 可能是最小的 Java 邮件发送库了,支持抄送、附件、模板等功能。
✭ 612
14. Profit
🤔 biezhi 在线打赏系统,开启你的要饭生涯。
15. Elves
🎊 Design and implement of lightweight crawler framework.
16. Write Readable Code
🗾 编写可读代码的艺术代码仓库
1-17 of 17 user projects