All Git Users → bvaughn

34 open source projects by bvaughn

1. React Error Boundary
Simple reusable React error boundary component
2. React Select Fast Filter Options
react-select filterOptions function optimized to quickly filter large options lists
✭ 201
3. Progress Estimator
Logs a progress bar and estimation for how long a Promise will take to complete
4. Highlight Words Core
Utility functions shared by react-highlight-words and react-native-highlight-words
✭ 166
5. Redux Devtools Filterable Log Monitor
Filterable tree view monitor for Redux DevTools
✭ 150
6. Js Search
JS Search is an efficient, client-side search library for JavaScript and JSON objects
7. Personal Logger
Webapp for tracking personal diet, sleep, and general wellness
✭ 121
8. React Window
React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data
9. React Highlight Words
React component to highlight words within a larger body of text
10. Redux Search
Redux bindings for client-side search
11. Debounce Decorator
Decorator for debouncing class methods
✭ 85
12. Forward Js 2017
Forward - Web Technology Summit
✭ 74
13. React Virtualized Select
HOC that uses react-virtualized and react-select to display large lists of options in a drop-down
✭ 1,093
14. Infinite List Reflow Examples
Examples illustrating reflow handling with infinite lists
✭ 48
15. React Devtools Tutorial
Interactive tutorial featuring the React DevTools v4
✭ 46
16. React Devtools Experimental
Experimental rewrite of the React DevTools extension
✭ 967
17. React Window Infinite Loader
InfiniteLoader component inspired by react-virtualized but for use with react-window
✭ 591
19. React Virtualized
React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data
20. Angular Form For
Set of Angular directives to simplify creating and validating HTML forms.
✭ 435
21. Js Worker Search
JavaScript client-side search API with web-worker support
22. React Flame Graph
React component for visualizing profiling data
✭ 323
23. React Virtualized Auto Sizer
Standalone version of the AutoSizer component from react-virtualized
✭ 306
24. Jest React Profiler
Jest helpers for working with the React Profiler API.
✭ 267
25. extensions-api-proposal-custom-performance-pane
Extensions API proposal for the Performance Panel
✭ 36
26. task-runner
Async utilities for JavaScript application development with a focus on interruptibility and error-handling
27. console.pretty
Pretty console logging
✭ 29
28. react-ascii-image
React component that displays image data as colored text
29. live-stream-deep-dive-react-profiler
Source from live stream "Deep dive with the React DevTools profiler"
30. planner
Lightweight, interactive planning tool that visualizes a series of tasks using an HTML canvas
31. print-color
Utility for printing colored text in Node or the Browser
✭ 20
32. react-highlight.js
A simple React wrapper around the Highlight.js library
33. forms-js
Core forms-js library
34. connect-tech-2016
Connect Tech 2016 presentation
1-34 of 34 user projects