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Top 345 react-components open source projects

Material Ui
MUI (formerly Material-UI) is the React UI library you always wanted. Follow your own design system, or start with Material Design.
React Arcgis
A few components to help you get started using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript and esri-loader with React
React Coroutine
Make your async components compact and descriptive by leveraging the power of the language features
React Minimal Pie Chart
🍰 Lightweight but versatile SVG pie/donut charts for React. < 2kB gzipped.
Githubpopular Sj
慕课网实战课程:《React Native 开发跨平台 GitHub App》Demo
Coreui React
CoreUI React.js UI Components. CoreUI for React.js replaces and extends the Bootstrap javascript. Components have been built from scratch as true React.js hook components, without jQuery and unneeded dependencies.
A simple, easy to use library for React development in ClojureScript.
React Native demo
React Npm Boilerplate
Boilerplate for creating React Npm packages with ES2015
Tailwind React Ui
React utility component primitives & UI framework for use with Tailwind CSS
A themable React component library!Flexible Lightweight PC UI Components built on React! Anyone can generate easily all kinds of themes by it!
Nano Component
Fast & simple React component styles in under 1kb
React Vtree
React component for efficiently rendering large tree structures
React Materials
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React Components
List of React components I use and recommend
A delightful modal dialog component for React, built from the ground up to support React Hooks.
An app development framework built atop React that’s easy to use, performant and customizable.
React Player Controls
⏯ Dumb and (re)useful React components for media players.
React Native Performance Monitor
React Native Performance Monitor - Realtime graphing of React Native render performance
React Reveal
Easily add reveal on scroll animations to your React app
Terra Core
Terra offers a set of configurable React components designed to help build scalable and modular application UIs. This UI library was created to solve real-world issues in projects we work on day to day.
Ej2 React Ui Components
Syncfusion React UI components library offer more than 50+ cross-browser, responsive, and lightweight react UI controls for building modern web applications.
React Rough
🐇 React Components for Rough.js
React Spinners Kit
A collection of loading spinners with React.js
Shine Design
为开发者、设计师和产品经理准备的 UI 设计语言
React Formik Ui
A simple component library, composed out of pure HTML form elements to make your live easier composing forms with Formik and React
React Stylesheet
Component based styling for your React applications
Fundamental React
React implementation of the reusable component library designed in Fundamental Library Styles
React Live Chat Loader
Implement a live chat beacon in your React application without performance regressions.
Synergy is a framework for building modular, configurable and scalable UI components for React-DOM projects
Fluent UI web represents a collection of utilities, React components, and web components for building web applications.
Extract React Types
One stop shop to document your react components.
React Step Progress Bar
A library to create stunning progress bars and steps in React 🌡
Style Guide
🎨 Brainly Front-End Style Guide
React Free Style
Make React components easier and more maintainable by using inline style objects
React Json Schema
Configure and build views using JSON schemas mapped to React components
React Trumbowyg
React wrapper for lightweight WYSIWYG editor Trumbowyg
Gojs React
A set of React components to manage GoJS Diagrams, Palettes, and Overviews
Rxjs Diagrams
React Components for visualising RxJS observables and operators
1-60 of 345 react-components projects