EditlySlick, declarative command line video editing & API
Keen SliderThe HTML touch slider carousel with the most native feeling
Asciidoctor Reveal.js🔮 A reveal.js converter for Asciidoctor and Asciidoctor.js. Write your slides in AsciiDoc!
React SlideshowA react component for slideshow supporting slide, fade and zoom
PageableCreate full page scrolling web pages. No jQuery.
AtgmediabrowserImage slide-show viewer with multiple predefined transition styles, with ability to create new transitions with ease.
PressMinimalist Markdown Publishing for Nuxt.js
Slideshowslideshow gems - write your slides / talks / presentations in plain text with markdown formatting conventions
SliderTouch swipe image slider/slideshow/gallery/carousel/banner mobile responsive bootstrap
Noodel JsUser interface for responsive, dynamic content trees
StickyimageeffectA sticky image effect for a slideshow inspired by ultanoir's website.
Photos📸 Your memories under your control
RemarkA simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool.
TexttraileffectA text trail effect for a slideshow inspired by the "Abstract is hiring" Dribbble shot.
Angular FullpageOfficial Angular wrapper for fullPage.js https://alvarotrigo.com/angular-fullpage/
Inspire.jsLean, hackable, extensible slide deck framework. Previously known as CSSS.
ImageslideshowSwift image slideshow with circular scrolling, timer and full screen viewer
Vue Fullpage.jsOfficial Vue.js wrapper for fullPage.js http://alvarotrigo.com/vue-fullpage/
PatatTerminal-based presentations using Pandoc
Multiscroll.jsmultiscroll plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create scrolling split websites. http://alvarotrigo.com/multiScroll/
Embla CarouselA lightweight carousel library with fluid motion and great swipe precision.
NodepptThis is probably the best web presentation tool so far!
GlitchslideshowA slideshow that uses a CSS glitch effect for slide transitions.
DablinDAB/DAB+ receiver for Linux (including ETI-NI and EDI AF playback)
DeckdeckgoThe web open source editor for presentations
Remark BoilerplateA boilerplate to create presentations using remark, Gulp, Stylus and more.
SlendrA responsive & lightweight (2KB gzipped) slider for modern browsers. [UNMAINTAINED]
Fullpage.jsfullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple
ShowoffDon't just present; interact with your audience!
React FullpageOfficial React.js wrapper for fullPage.js https://alvarotrigo.com/react-fullpage/
Backslide💦 CLI tool for making HTML presentations with Remark.js using Markdown
WebslidesCreate HTML presentations in seconds —
VideoshowSimple node.js utility to create video slideshows from images with optional audio and visual effects using ffmpeg
LibresignageA free and open source digital signage solution.
AxphotoviewerAn iOS/tvOS photo gallery viewer, useful for viewing a large (or small!) number of photos.
Eagle.jsA hackable slideshow framework built with Vue.js
Cleaver30-second slideshows for hackers
Godot Power PitchInternational pitch for the Godot Game Engine, made in Godot, available in 15+ languages
KiimagepagerThe KIImagePager is inspired by foursquare's ImageSlideshow, the user may scroll through images loaded from the Web
Vueper SlidesA touch ready and responsive slideshow / carousel for Vue & Vue 3.
Hacker SlidesA small UI for building presentation slides from markdown markup