All Git Users → eddelbuettel

35 open source projects by eddelbuettel

1. Littler
A scripting and command-line front-end for GNU R
2. Tint
Tint is not Tufte
3. Gsir Te
Getting Started in R -- Tinyverse Edition
✭ 197
4. Binb
Binb is not Beamer
5. Mkl4deb
Adding the Intel MKL to a Debian / Ubuntu system via one simple script
✭ 139
6. Anytime
Anything to POSIXct or Date Converter
7. Pinp
Pinp Is Not PNAS -- Two-Column PDF Template
8. Drat
Drat R Archive Template
9. Rinside
Seamless embedding of R in C++ programs
10. Rpushbullet
R interface to the awesome Pushbullet service
11. Linl
Linl Is Not Letter -- Markdown-based LaTeX Letter Template
12. Samples Rmarkdown Metropolis
RMarkdown with Metropolis/Mtheme for Beamer
13. Nanotime
Nanosecond Resolution Time Functionality for R
14. Rcppexamples
Examples of using Rcpp to interface R and C++
15. digest
R package to create compact hash digests of R objects
16. rcppgsl
Rcpp integration for GNU GSL vectors and matrices
17. ctv-finance
CRAN Task View: Empirical Finance
18. docker-ubuntu-r
Docker images for R on Ubuntu
✭ 17
19. bh
R package providing Boost Header files
20. rcppredis
R interface to Redis using the hiredis library
21. crp
Archived copies of the CRAN Repo Policy
✭ 70
23. pkgkitten
Create simple packages which pass R CMD check
24. rcppbdt
Rcpp bindings for Boost Date_Time
✭ 17
25. rfoaas
R interface to FOAAS service
✭ 28
26. inline
Inline C, C++ or Fortran functions in R
27. tiledb-user2021
Repository for useR! 2021 TileDB Tutorial Helper Package
✭ 13
28. rcppmsgpack
MsgPack Headers for R /[R]
29. rcppstreams
A C++ DSEL for real-time event stream processing
✭ 15
30. rcppfastfloat
Rcpp Bindings for the 'fastfloat' Header-Only Library
31. rcpptoml
Rcpp Bindings to C++ parser for TOML files
32. rcppcnpy
Rcpp bindings for NumPy files
33. rcppsimdjson
Rcpp Bindings for the 'simdjson' Header Library
34. rcppkalman
Kalman filtering via RcppArmadillo
✭ 33
35. ttdo
Extend tinytest with diffobj
1-35 of 35 user projects