LurchXEP-0384: OMEMO Encryption for libpurple.
Nio💬 Nio is an upcoming matrix client for iOS.
Azure Event Hubs☁️ Cloud-scale telemetry ingestion from any stream of data with Azure Event Hubs
Twitch JsA community-centric, community-supported version of tmi.js
Flyer.jsBroadcast Messaging Library that works between iFrames, Frames, and Windows
NetdevpackA smart set of common classes and implementations to improve your development productivity.
VernemqA distributed MQTT message broker based on Erlang/OTP. Built for high quality & Industrial use cases.
Webwire GoA transport independent asynchronous duplex messaging library for Go
VuvuzelaPrivate messaging system that hides metadata
ChatviewThis is an Android library which can be used to add chat functionality to your android application with just a few lines of code.
PhpnatsA PHP client for the NATSio cloud messaging system.
WatsontcpWatsonTcp is the easiest way to build TCP-based clients and servers in C#.
QtfirebaseAn effort to bring Google's Firebase C++ API to Qt + QML
Easy.messagehubNo need for .NET Events! A thread-safe, high performance & easy to use cross platform implementation of the Event Aggregator Pattern.
Vonage Ruby SdkVonage REST API client for Ruby. API support for SMS, Voice, Text-to-Speech, Numbers, Verify (2FA) and more.
KekkonenA remote (CQRS) API library for Clojure.
TindroidTinode chat client application for Android
NetmqA 100% native C# implementation of ZeroMQ for .NET
NexusFull-feature WAMP v2 router and client written in Go
MetlMetl is a simple, web-based integration platform that allows for several different styles of data integration including messaging, file based Extract/Transform/Load (ETL), and remote procedure invocation via Web Services. Read more at
EnmasseEnMasse - Self-service messaging on Kubernetes and OpenShift
Linebot🤖 SDK for the LINE Messaging API for Node.js
ChatlayoutChatLayout is an alternative solution to MessageKit. It uses custom UICollectionViewLayout to provide you full control over the presentation as well as all the tools available in UICollectionView. It supports dynamic cells and supplementary view sizes.
ScaproustImplementation of the nanomsg "Scalability Protocols" in rust.
KombuKombu is a messaging library for Python.
Zenohzenoh unifies data in motion, data in-use, data at rest and computations. It carefully blends traditional pub/sub with geo-distributed storages, queries and computations, while retaining a level of time and space efficiency that is well beyond any of the mainstream stacks.
ShoutrrrNotification library for gophers and their furry friends.
LiftbridgeLightweight, fault-tolerant message streams.
Tigase ServerHighly optimized, extremely modular and very flexible XMPP/Jabber server
Stream Chat AndroidStream Chat official Android SDK. The tutorial covers how to build your own chat experience using either Java or Kotlin.
React MessengerChat UX components built with React, inspired by Facebook Messenger
Django instagramPhoto sharing social media site built with Python/Django. Based on Instagram's design.
MnmThe legitimate email replacement — n-identity, decentralized, store-and-forward, open protocol, open source. (Server)
WebappTinode web chat using React
Laravel QueueLaravel Enqueue message queue extension. Supports AMQP, Amazon SQS, Kafka, Google PubSub, Redis, STOMP, Gearman, Beanstalk and others
Parallel ConsumerParallel Apache Kafka client wrapper with client side queueing, a simpler consumer/producer API with key concurrency and extendable non-blocking IO processing.
SumSUM - Secure Ultimate Messenger
GaragemqAMQP message broker implemented with golang - WAMP application router
NsqsharpA .NET library for NSQ, a realtime distributed messaging platform
LightbusRPC & event framework for Python 3
MessagerA convenient way to handle messages between users in a simple way