All Git Users → garystafford

14 open source projects by garystafford

1. K8s Istio Observe Backend
Go-based microservices reference platform for demo of k8s observability with Istio
2. Spring Music Docker
Build, deploy, and monitor a multi-container, MongoDB-backed, Java Spring web application, using the new Docker 1.12.
✭ 68
3. Object Tracking Blogpost
Use C++ with OpenCV and cvBlob to perform image processing and object tracking, using a webcam. Originally, built to test Raspberry Pi performance.
✭ 64
4. Cd Maturity Model
Continuous Delivery Maturity Model - Gap Analysis Visualization Tool, using D3.js
5. Pyspark Setup Demo
Demo of PySpark and Jupyter Notebook with the Jupyter Docker Stacks
6. Spring Postgresql Demo
Spring Boot 2.0 application, backed by PostgreSQL, and designed for deployment to Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF)
7. foreman-vagrant
Automate the creation and configuration of a Foreman server VM and multiple Puppet Agent VMs
✭ 39
8. virtual-vehicles-docker
Repository for files related to containerizing Virtual-Vehicles project, using Docker. See blog post below for project details.
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9. virtual-vehicles-demo
Java-based microservices demonstration, using RestExpress, MongoDB, and Java EE
10. voter-service
The Voter Spring Boot RESTful Web Service, backed by MongoDB, and uses RabbitMQ for IPC
11. k8s-istio-observe-frontend
Angular 12-based front-end UI for k8s Golang observability project:
12. microservice-docker-demo-consul
Containerize Consul configurations with lastest Docker Compose, Docker Machine, and Docker Swarm
✭ 25
13. athena-glue-quicksight-demo
Source code for the post, 'Getting Started with Data Analysis on AWS, using S3, Glue, Amazon Athena, and QuickSight'
✭ 28
14. spring-music
Build, deploy, and monitor a multi-container, MongoDB-backed, Java Spring web application, using the new Docker 1.12.
1-14 of 14 user projects