All Git Users → primer

25 open source projects by primer

1. Stylelint Config Primer
Sharable stylelint config used by GitHub's CSS
2. Figma Action
Export image assets from Figma to GitHub
3. Design
Primer Design Guidelines
✭ 125
4. Octicons V2
[WIP] A new look for Octicons, GitHub's icon set
✭ 124
5. Github Syntax Theme Generator
Uses a prettylights theme object to generate syntax themes for multiple platforms
7. Figma Diff Probot
Probot using figma api to comment on PRs with before after images
10. Presentations
Slide deck templates and asset library.
✭ 45
12. Doctocat
A Gatsby theme for building Primer documentation sites
✭ 257
13. github-textmate-theme
GitHub's official syntax themes as TextMate themes
14. github-vscode-theme-dark-classic
GitHub Dark (classic) theme for VS Code
✭ 46
15. github-syntax-light
The CSS syntax theme for GitHub
16. react
An implementation of GitHub's Primer Design System using React
17. figma
Primer, GitHub's design system, available on Figma.
18. primer-markdown
Stylesheets for rendering GitHub Flavored Markdown with Primer.
✭ 172
19. octicons helper
A rails helper that inlines SVG octicons
✭ 18
20. doctocat-template
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 17
21. github-syntax-dark
The CSS dark syntax theme for GitHub
22. stylelint-config
Sharable stylelint config used by GitHub's CSS
The website for all things Primer
24. primitives
Color, typography, and spacing primitives in json.
25. deploy
Deploy to Now from GitHub Actions with useful aliases
1-25 of 25 user projects