All Git Users → pytest-dev

40 open source projects by pytest-dev

1. Pytest Selenium
Plugin for running Selenium with pytest
2. Pytest Qt
pytest plugin for Qt (PyQt4, PyQt5 and PySide) application testing
3. Pytest Splinter
pytest splinter and selenium integration for anyone interested in browser interaction in tests
✭ 204
4. Pytest Rerunfailures
a pytest plugin that re-runs failed tests up to -n times to eliminate flakey failures
✭ 198
5. Pytest Factoryboy
factory_boy integration the pytest runner
✭ 193
6. Cookiecutter Pytest Plugin
A Cookiecutter template for pytest plugins 💻
7. Pytest Testinfra
With Testinfra you can write unit tests in Python to test actual state of your servers configured by management tools like Salt, Ansible, Puppet, Chef and so on.
8. Pytest Describe
Describe-style plugin for the pytest framework
9. Pytest Repeat
pytest plugin for repeating test execution
10. Pytest Instafail
py.test plugin to show failures instantly
12. Execnet
distributed Python deployment and communication - UNMAINTAINED
✭ 49
13. Pytest Mimesis
Mimesis integration with the pytest test runner. This plugin provider useful fixtures based on providers from Mimesis.
14. Pytest Mock
Thin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with pytest
15. Pytest Cov
Coverage plugin for pytest.
✭ 983
16. Pytest Print
pytest-print adds the printer fixture you can use to print messages to the user (directly to the pytest runner, not stdout)
✭ 27
17. Pytest Django
A Django plugin for pytest.
18. Pytest Bpdb
pytest plugin for dropping to bpdb on test failures
✭ 5
19. Pytest Bdd
BDD library for the py.test runner
✭ 786
20. Pytest Asyncio
Pytest support for asyncio.
✭ 684
21. Pytest Xdist
pytest plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failures testing modes.
✭ 678
22. Pluggy
A minimalist production ready plugin system
✭ 572
23. Pytest Html
Plugin for generating HTML reports for pytest results
24. Pytest Flask
A set of pytest fixtures to test Flask applications
25. Pytest Randomly
🎲 Pytest plugin to randomly order tests and control random.seed
✭ 284
26. pytest-reportlog
Replacement for the --resultlog option, focused in simplicity and extensibility
27. pytest-subtests
unittest subTest() support and subtests fixture
✭ 101
28. pytest-base-url
pytest plugin for URL based tests
✭ 20
29. pytest-faker
faker integration the pytest test runner
30. pytest-faulthandler
py.test plugin that activates the fault handler module during testing
31. pytest-incremental
py-test plugin: an incremental test runner
✭ 31
32. pytest-echo
pytest plugin to dump environment variables, package version and generic attributes.
33. apipkg
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 34
34. iniconfig
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 31
35. pytest-services
Collection of fixtures and utility functions to run service processes for your tests
36. pytest-stress
A Pytest plugin that allows you to loop tests for a user defined amount of time.
37. pytest-cloud
Distributed tests planner plugin for pytest testing framework.
38. pytest-variables
Plugin for providing variables to pytest tests/fixtures
39. pytest-forked
extracted --boxed from pytest-xdist to ensure backward compat
✭ 50
40. pytest
The pytest framework makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing
1-40 of 40 user projects