Vue Element Admin🎉 A magical vue admin
Http Fake BackendBuild a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
MujinaA mock IDP and SP using the OpenSAML library
Vuex Mock Store✅Simple and straightforward Vuex Store mock for vue-test-utils
Shallow RenderAngular testing made easy with shallow rendering and easy mocking.
MockoonMockoon is the easiest and quickest way to run mock APIs locally. No remote deployment, no account required, open source.
FakerProvides fake data to your Android apps :)
Okhttp Json MockMock your datas for Okhttp and Retrofit in json format in just a few moves
MockiatoA strict, yet friendly mocking library for Rust 2018
Jest Mock ExtendedType safe mocking extensions for Jest
PesterPester is the ubiquitous test and mock framework for PowerShell.
Sinon Jest CheatsheetSome examples on how to achieve the same goal with either of both libraries: sinon and jest. Also some of those goals achievable only by one of these tools.
Dgatean API Gateway based on Vert.x
MockeryA mock code autogenerator for Golang
Fake Xrm EasyThe testing framework for Dynamics CRM and Dynamics 365 which runs on an In-Memory context and deals with mocks or fakes for you
Nx Admin👍 A magical 🐮 ⚔ vue admin,记得star
Pegomock Pegomock is a powerful, yet simple mocking framework for the Go programming language
Python Mocketa socket mock framework - for all kinds of socket animals, web-clients included
Vue Blog🎉 基于vue全家桶 + element-ui 构建的一个后台管理集成解决方案
Ts Auto MockTypescript transformer to unlock automatic mock creation for interfaces and classes
FauxTraitless Mocking Library for Rust
Xhr MockUtility for mocking XMLHttpRequest.
Graphql Faker🎲 Mock or extend your GraphQL API with faked data. No coding required.
InterceptorA browser extension to mock AJAX requests at the browser level
KillgraveSimple way to generate mock servers written in Go
MockinizerAn okhttp / retrofit api call mocking library
MocktailA mock library for Dart inspired by mockito
Raml Serverrun a mocked server JUST based on a RAML API's definition .. zero coding
MockitoMost popular Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java
GunitGUnit - Google.Test/Google.Mock/Cucumber on steroids
HttprettyIntercept HTTP requests at the Python socket level. Fakes the whole socket module
AeromockLightweight mock web application server
Easyfuna project using react antd webpack es6
MockingbirdSimplify software testing, by easily mocking any system using HTTP/HTTPS, allowing a team to test and develop against a service that is not complete or is unstable or just to reproduce planned/edge cases.
MorphlingjsA CLI to mock with meaningful data a REST API from a Swagger file
WeldFull fake REST API generator written with Rust
Vue Cli Multi Page 基于vue-cli模板的多页面多路由项目,一个PC端页面入口,一个移动端页面入口,且有各自的路由, vue+webpack+vue-router+vuex+mock+axios
Smoke💨 Simple yet powerful file-based mock server with recording abilities
WabbitGolang AMQP mocking library
DuckrailsDevelopment tool to mock API endpoints quickly and easily (docker image available)
EkkeEkke is a test runner for React-Native, it allows you to execute your test code directly on the device enabling you to test in the same environment as your production users.
PhiremockPhiremock mocks HTTP requests and REST services, allowing to mock external services during acceptance testing.
MockyGenerate custom HTTP responses, the simpler way to test your Web Services
SpyClojure/ClojureScript library for stubs, spies and mocks.
Jquery.fbmessengerFake Facebook Messenger interactions on an iPhone with a simple jQuery plugin!