15 open source projects by vvo

1. Javascript Library Template
JavaScript library template to focus on ⌨️ coding, 🙌 collaborating and 🚀 shipping
✭ 66
2. Selenium Standalone
A node based CLI library for launching Selenium with WebDrivers support (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge)
✭ 846
3. Lazyload
🚅 Lazyload images, iframes, widgets with a standalone JavaScript lazyloader
✭ 938
4. Gifify
😻 Convert any video file to an optimized animated GIF.
5. Next Iron Session
🛠 Next.js stateless session utility using signed and encrypted cookies to store data
6. Tzdb
🕰 Simplified, grouped and always up to date list of time zones, with major cities
✭ 324
7. In Viewport
Get a callback when any element becomes visible in a viewport (body or custom viewport)
✭ 280
8. npm-pkgr
Cache `npm install` results by hashing dependencies
✭ 73
9. ansible-archee
dotfiles on steroids
✭ 15
10. localenvify
localenv and envify combined as a browserify transform
✭ 14
11. aws-lambda-nodejs-webpack
λ CDK Construct to build Node.js AWS lambdas using webpack
12. iron-session
🛠 Node.js stateless session utility using signed and encrypted cookies to store data. Works with Next.js, Express, NestJs, Fastify, and any Node.js HTTP framework.
13. sourcekarma
Discover how people react to you on GitHub 👍
14. bunyan-request
Request, response logger middleware using bunyan
✭ 13
15. iron-store
🧿 in-memory, signed and encrypted JavaScript store
✭ 67
1-15 of 15 user projects