SharexShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of files to many supported destinations you can choose from.
Precomp CppPrecomp, C++ version - further compress already compressed files
Gif For
HandycontrolContains some simple and commonly used WPF controls
GifuHigh-performance animated GIF support for iOS in Swift
Ccapture.jsA library to capture canvas-based animations at a fixed framerate
Giphertinder like app for gifs built with elm and firebase
GifineQuickly record and edit gifs and videos of your desktop
Imageprocessor📷 A fluent wrapper around System.Drawing for the processing of image files.
Streamoji Custom emoji rendering library for iOS apps with support for GIF & still images - plug-in extension for UITextView - performance, cache ✅ - Made with 💘 by @GetStream
Gulp ImageOptimize PNG, JPEG, GIF, SVG images with gulp task.
Screentogif🎬 ScreenToGif allows you to record a selected area of your screen, edit and save it as a gif or video.
Grunt ImageOptimize PNG, JPEG, GIF, SVG images with grunt task.
GifcapCreate GIFs from Android devices (pronounced "gif cap")
VideotogifA simple Mac app to easily convert videos to GIF.
AsepriteAnimated sprite editor & pixel art tool (Windows, macOS, Linux)
AzpainterFull color painting software for Unix-like systems for illustration drawing. This is un-official little fixed repository for package maintainers of image editor AzPainter (based on "mlib" toolkit). Official repository -
Hxphotopicker图片/视频选择器 - 支持LivePhoto、GIF图片选择、3DTouch预览、在线下载iCloud上的资源、编辑图片/视频、浏览网络图片 功能 Imitation wx photo/image picker - support for LivePhoto, GIF image selection, 3DTouch preview, Download the resources on iCloud online, browse the web image function
GifskiGIF encoder based on libimagequant (pngquant). Squeezes maximum possible quality from the awful GIF format.
OmxivOpenMax image viewer for the Raspberry Pi
AnimatedgifA screensaver for Mac OSX / macOS that plays animated GIFs and APNGs
Php Sorry Gif[PHP版]在线制作 sorry 为所欲为等其他7种的gif,可能有 N 多 bug,欢迎 Issues
Androidprincipleanimation💥 Demonstrate all the principle on Android in the form of animation. 用动画的形式呈现Android机制原理,有趣又酷炫,不要再啃晦涩的文字啦! ⚡️
AwesomeimagepickerAwesome Image Picker library will pick images/gifs with beautiful interface. Supports image or gif, Single and Multiple Image selection.
ProcessingstuffVarious pretty-ish Processing sketches by Blokatt. About 50% shaders.
Tgs To GifConverts animated Telegram stickers (*.tgs) to animated GIFs (.gif)
Terminalizer🦄 Record your terminal and generate animated gif images or share a web player
ImageviewerA simple and customizable Android full-screen image viewer 一个简单且可自定义的Android全屏图像浏览器
Pyecharts Snapshotrenders the output of pyecharts as png, jpeg, gif, svg, eps, pdf and raw base64
AutocserAutoCSer is a high-performance RPC framework. AutoCSer 是一个以高效率为目标向导的整体开发框架。主要包括 TCP 接口服务框架、TCP 函数服务框架、远程表达式链组件、前后端一体 WEB 视图框架、ORM 内存索引缓存框架、日志流内存数据库缓存组件、消息队列组件、二进制 / JSON / XML 数据序列化 等一系列无缝集成的高性能组件。
KotlinffmpegExamples of using FFMpeg library on Android with Kotlin
BbwebimageA high performance Swift library for downloading, caching and editing web images asynchronously.
Mergigo library for image programming (merge, crop, resize, watermark, animate, ease, transit)
GifyJavaScript API for decoding/parsing information from animated GIFs using ArrayBuffers.
LilliputResize images and animated GIFs in Go
Git CheatsGit Cheats - Interactive Cheatsheet For Git Commands
View Load Retry这个加载框架有点不一样,针对View进行加载,加载页面还保持了原View的属性,侧重点在灵活,哪里需要加载哪里,加载状态页面完全自定义,无任何限制,针对加载结果可以按需配置对应页面,LeakCanary检测无内存泄漏
SketchSketch 是 Android 上一个强大且全面的图片加载器,支持 GIF,手势缩放以及分块显示超大图片。Sketch is a powerful and comprehensive image loader on Android, with support for GIF, gesture zooming, block display super large image
Gif Frames🖼 Extract frames from an animated GIF with pure JS