Top 5 ais open source projects

A small and easy python-only decoder-only for AIS messages : AIVDM/AIVDO
Create and transmit AIS frames via gnuradio toolchain and web application in browser. Provides a websocket to PDU message block to change frame content on runtime. Works in burst mode, a frame is send on change immediately, one time. Transmitter remains silent until next change event.
Plane✈/Sailing⛵ - Completely unnecessary military situational awareness display for your home
rpi boat utils
Utilities for Raspberry Pi, mostly for usage on a boat. Includes UART control scripts, traffic measurement tools for Mikrotik (RouterOS) and OpenWrt, AIS wireless daemon, AIS decoder and an extensible boat & IoT sensor daemon for Signal K.
1-5 of 5 ais projects