Maps🌍🌏🌎 The whole world fits inside your cloud!
NesicideIntegrated Development Environment for the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System
XprofA visual tracer and profiler for Erlang and Elixir.
MotionplanningMotion planning algorithms commonly used on autonomous vehicles. (path planning + path tracking)
OpenatsOpen Auto Tracking System for satellite tracking or target tracking.
OpentracksOpenTracks is a sport tracking application that completely respects your privacy.
Object detection trackingOut-of-the-box code and models for CMU's object detection and tracking system for surveillance videos. Speed optimized Faster-RCNN model. Tensorflow based. Also supports EfficientDet. WACVW'20
Dcfnet pytorchDCFNet: Discriminant Correlation Filters Network for Visual Tracking
Thorthor: C++ helper library, for deep learning purpose
React TrackerReact specific tracking library, Track user interaction with minimal API!
Whotracks.meData from the largest and longest measurement of online tracking.
McmotReal time one-stage multi-class & multi-object tracking based on anchor-free detection and re-id
PrivacybadgerPrivacy Badger is a browser extension that automatically learns to block invisible trackers.
Django Tracking2django-tracking2 tracks the length of time visitors and registered users spend on your site. Although this will work for websites, this is more applicable to web _applications_ with registered users. This does not replace (nor intend) to replace client-side analytics which is great for understanding aggregate flow of page views.
Browser Interaction Time⏰ A JavaScript library (written in TypeScript) to measure the time a user is active on a website
ToshocatAnime and Manga list app for desktop.
Ip BiterIP-Biter: The Hacker-friendly E-Mail (but not only) Tracking Framework
Tf Adnet TrackingDeep Object Tracking Implementation in Tensorflow for 'Action-Decision Networks for Visual Tracking with Deep Reinforcement Learning(CVPR 2017)'
SocialblocklistsBlocklists to block the communication to social networking sites and privacy harming services
MotbeyondpixelsMonocular multi-object tracking using simple and complementary 3D and 2D cues (ICRA 2018)
Monocular Visual OdometryA simple monocular visual odometry (part of vSLAM) by ORB keypoints with initialization, tracking, local map and bundle adjustment. (WARNING: Hi, I'm sorry that this project is just tuned for course demo, not for real world applications !!!)
JeelizfacefilterJavascript/WebGL lightweight face tracking library designed for augmented reality webcam filters. Features : multiple faces detection, rotation, mouth opening. Various integration examples are provided (Three.js, Babylon.js, FaceSwap, Canvas2D, CSS3D...).
DiceDigital Image Correlation Engine (DICe): a stereo DIC application that runs on a desktop or high performance computing platform (massively parallel)
TaktTrack your tasks and time
Find face landmarksC++ \ Matlab library for finding face landmarks and bounding boxes in video\image sequences.
UsiigaciUsiigaci: stain-free cell tracking in phase contrast microscopy enabled by supervised machine learning
XastirThis is the Xastir APRS client repository.
CovariantsReal-time updates and information about key SARS-CoV-2 variants, plus the scripts that generate this information.
DaybydaycrmDaybydayCRM an open-source CRM, to help you keep track of your daily workflow.
PytrackingVisual tracking library based on PyTorch.
BlockLet's make an annoyance free, better open internet, altogether!
Iros20 6d Pose Tracking[IROS 2020] se(3)-TrackNet: Data-driven 6D Pose Tracking by Calibrating Image Residuals in Synthetic Domains
Jpdaf trackingA tracker based on joint probabilistic data association filtering.
HackvaultA container repository for my public web hacks!
1hostsDNS filter-/blocklists | safe. private. clean. browsing!
OrgstatStatistics visualizer for org-mode
DfpmDFPM is a browser extension for detecting browser fingerprinting.
Odas webA desktop visualization GUI for the ODAS library