MeeseeksAn Elixir library for parsing and extracting data from HTML and XML with CSS or XPath selectors.
X2structConvert between json string and c++ object. json字符串和c++结构体之间互相转换
Slow CheetahXML Transforms for app.config and other XML files
MinifyGo minifiers for web formats
Correios BrasilMódulo completo consultar informações sobre o CEP, calcular o preço e os prazos das entregas das encomendas e também realizar o rastreio de multiplos produtos !
OnoA sensible way to deal with XML & HTML for iOS & macOS
PosthtmlPostHTML is a tool to transform HTML/XML with JS plugins
PugixmlLight-weight, simple and fast XML parser for C++ with XPath support
LibyangYANG data modeling language library
Slow CheetahTooling for XML and JSON file transforms on build from Visual Studio and MSBuild
KonfA type-safe cascading configuration library for Kotlin/Java/Android, supporting most configuration formats
ApiproblemA simple implementation of the api-problem specification. Includes PSR-15 support.
ParseGo parsers for web formats
FulltextSearch across and get full text for OA & closed journals
Bpmn ModdleRead and write BPMN 2.0 XML from JavaScript.
RendererSimple, lightweight and faster response (JSON, JSONP, XML, YAML, HTML, File) rendering package for Go
HypertextliteralGenerate HTML, XML, and other web content using Swift string literal interpolation
CodejamSet of handy reusable .NET components that can simplify your daily work and save your time when you copy and paste your favorite helper methods and classes from one project to another
BibliaBíblia: XML + SQL + JSON
Xmlqueryxmlquery is Golang XPath package for XML query.
Python Benedictdict subclass with keylist/keypath support, I/O shortcuts (base64, csv, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xml, yaml) and many utilities. 📘
HomeA configurable and eXtensible Xml serializer for .NET.
UnbescapeAdvanced yet easy to use escaping library for Java
Dd PlistA java library providing support for ASCII, XML and binary property lists.
IranAdministrative divisions of Iran in json and xml formats - تقسیمات کشوری ایران با فرمت جیسان و ایکس ام ال
XmlschemaXML Schema validator and data conversion library for Python
Go Xmlutility and code-generation libraries for XML
XlogAndroid logger, pretty, powerful and flexible, log to everywhere, save to file, all you want is here.
SaxyA fast, easy-to-use and XML 1.0 compliant XML SAX parser in Elixir
Publisherspeedata Publisher - a professional database Publishing system
Xsd2phpConvert XSD into PHP classes and JMS serializer definitions
Tagalong.vimChange an HTML(ish) opening tag and take the closing one along as well
LibxoThe libxo library allows an application to generate text, XML, JSON, and HTML output using a common set of function calls. The application decides at run time which output style should be produced.
SortpomMaven plugin that helps the user sort pom.xml.
Parse XmlA fast, safe, compliant XML parser for Node.js and browsers.
ThymeleafThymeleaf is a modern server-side Java template engine for both web and standalone environments.
CidlibThe CIDLib general purpose C++ development environment
Xdxf makedictXDXF — a dictionary format, that stores word definitions that are free from representation
Ksprefs🚀⚡ Kotlin SharedPreferences wrapper & cryptographic preferences android library.
QxormQxOrm library - C++ Qt ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and ODM (Object Document Mapper) library - Official repository
Jquery XpathjQuery XPath plugin (with full XPath 2.0 language support)
OtpviewA custom view to enter otp/pin of different sizes used usually in cases of authentication.