Cryptocurrency IconsA set of icons for all the main cryptocurrencies and altcoins, in a range of styles and sizes.
Smart-Contract-Security-AuditsCertified Smart Contract Audits (Ethereum, Hyperledger, xDAI, Huobi ECO Chain, Binance Smart Chain, Fantom, EOS, Tezos) by Chainsulting
desktopCoinApp is a simple to use minimal Cryptocurrency Wallet for Ethereum, ERC20 Tokens, Bitcoin and Litecoin built for Windows, Mac and Linux.
ethereum-kit-iosComprehensive EVM SDK (ex: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain) for iOS, implemented on Swift. Create wallets, watch wallets (read-only), sync transactions, filter transactions by type (erc20, bep20, swap transactions etc.), swap using native DEX protocols, easily extendable to work with custom smart contracts, and full support for EIP1159.
erc20-balance💎 Get 2000+ ERC-20 token balances with JavaScript. Supports Node.js and Deno
AirdropCentralAn AirdropCentral where anyone can submit tokens to be distributed among users
starkgate-frontendBridge interface allows users to transfer ERC20 tokens from Ethereum to StarkNet and vice versa.