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Top 8 one-app open source projects

Jest Image Snapshot
✨ Jest matcher for image comparisons. Most commonly used for visual regression testing.
✨Set of packages that are used to compose and load React components, enabling the updating and launching of server side rendered user experiences without server restarts
✨ Iguazu GraphQL is a plugin for the Iguazu ecosystem that allows for GraphQL requests backed by a simple cache.
✨ Tool for transforming CSS into JS
✨ Standard babel preset for American Express
✨ Minimal, light-weight, Promise based library that unifies the service worker and browser threads under one API
✨ If you know how to use Fetch, you know how to use Fetchye [fetch-yae]. Simple React Hooks, Centralized Cache, Infinitely Extensible.
1-8 of 8 one-app projects