Firebase React Native Redux StarterStarter For Firebase, React Native, Redux Applications With 100% Of Code In Common Between IOS And Android, with built In Authentication, Crud Example And Form Validation.
SpaceA real time chat app for developers built using React, Redux, Electron and Firebase
AmazonaBuild Ecommerce Like Amazon By MERN Stack
React Admin基于antd、redux-observable、redux-thunk、react-router响应式SPA脚手架,后台管理系统demo. 权限管理,用户管理,菜单管理。无限级菜单,下拉树形选择框
KeaProduction Ready State Management for React
Redux MostMost.js based middleware for Redux. Handle async actions with monadic streams & reactive programming.
Favesound Redux🎶 A SoundCloud Client in React + Redux running in production. Live Demo and Source Code to explore React + Redux as a beginner.
Mern BoilerplateFullstack boilerplate with React, Redux, Express, Mongoose, Passport Local, JWT, Facebook and Google OAuth out of the box.
Pwa Boilerplate✨ PWA Boilerplate is highly scalable and is designed to help you kick-start your next project 🔭.
Redux thunkRedux Middleware for handling functions as actions
Whatsapp Clone React NativeThe goal of this project is to build an Whatsapp exactly like the original application, but using React Native & Redux | Firebase
React Redux QuotlifyA quote browser and manager that allows one to search famous quotes and save them to a data store
Reactspacombination of react teconology stack
Next Shopify Storefront🛍 A real-world Shopping Cart built with TypeScript, NextJS, React, Redux, Apollo Client, Shopify Storefront GraphQL API, ... and Material UI.
DuckduckgoDuckDuckGo App built in React-Native (Unofficial)
Redux SubspaceBuild decoupled, componentized Redux apps with a single global store
React Proto🎨 React application prototyping tool for developers and designers 🏗️
react-movies-finderReact Movies finder is a React app to search movies and series using redux, redux-thunk, React Hooks, and Material UI
OneArticallearning and practice redux,react-redux,redux-saga,redux-persist,redux-thunk and so on
trivin⚡️Setup your entire project quickly and easily with 1-line command ⚡️
react-native-boilerplateReact Native Boilerplate - React Native Starter Kits : react-navigation and its dependencies, redux, redux persist and redux thunk, redux toolkit, react native vector icons, react-native async storage
FakeflixNot the usual clone that you can find on the web.