AxiosPromise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
When⏰ A lightweight implementation of Promises in Swift
Task EasyA simple, customizable, and lightweight priority queue for promises.
SpiritModern modular library for building web applications
Await Ofawait wrapper for easier errors handling without try-catch
PopsicleSimple HTTP requests for node and the browser
ApiPromise and RxJS APIs around Polkadot and any Substrate-based chain RPC calls. It is dynamically generated based on what the Substrate runtime provides in terms of metadata. Full documentation & examples available
Massive JsA data mapper for Node.js and PostgreSQL.
Radwimps君の then-then-then 世は Promise で Future
Luch Requestluch-request 是一个基于Promise 开发的uni-app跨平台、项目级别的请求库,它有更小的体积,易用的api,方便简单的自定义能力。
React OrganismDead simple React state management to bring pure components alive
TickedoffTiny library (<200B gzip) for deferring something by a "tick"
LimitrrLight NodeJS rate limiting and response delaying using Redis - including Express middleware.
PenpalA promise-based library for securely communicating with iframes via postMessage.
Imap SimpleWrapper over node-imap, providing a simpler api for common use cases
TrilogyTypeScript SQLite layer with support for both native C++ & pure JavaScript drivers.
Ppipepipes values through functions, an alternative to using the proposed pipe operator ( |> ) for ES
FilehoundFlexible and fluent interface for searching the file system
WretchA tiny wrapper built around fetch with an intuitive syntax. 🍬
Cwait⌛️ Limit number of promises running in parallel
Fluture🦋 Fantasy Land compliant (monadic) alternative to Promises
ApisauceAxios + standardized errors + request/response transforms.
QA platform-independent promise library for C++, implementing asynchronous continuations.
ScramjetSimple yet powerful live data computation framework
Load Google Maps Api🌏 A lightweight Promise-returning helper for loading the Google Maps JavaScript API
Kitsu🦊 A simple, lightweight & framework agnostic JSON:API client
PromisePromises/A implementation for PHP.
MetasyncAsynchronous Programming Library for JavaScript & Node.js
Next SessionSimple promise-based session middleware for Next.js, micro, Express, and more
EwaEnhanced Wechat App Development Toolkit (微信小程序增强开发工具)。不同于 wepy 或者 mpvue,是一个轻量级小程序开发框架。支持原生小程序所有功能,无需学习,极易上手。支持转换为百度/字节跳动/QQ小程序。
React BoilerplateA slightly opinionated yet dead simple boilerplate for React 17.x, Webpack 5 and React Router v5
DynastyDynasty - Promise-based, clean DynamoDB API
SlimbotTelegram Bot API for Node.js
FoyA simple, light-weight and modern task runner for general purpose.
Mande600 bytes convenient and modern wrapper around fetch
Mux Creates a promise that waits for the promises in nested data structures and resolves to data structures of the same form. It recursively traverses the input data structure and multiplexes its promises.
PromisePromise / Future library for Go
Tascalate ConcurrentImplementation of blocking (IO-Bound) cancellable java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage and related extensions to java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService-s
QtpromisePromises/A+ implementation for Qt/C++
PqHuman Readable Promise Chains
ToolkitCollection of useful patterns
SieppariSmall, fast, and complete interceptor library for Clojure/Script
Rubico[a]synchronous functional programming