AresdbA GPU-powered real-time analytics storage and query engine.
TermsqlConvert text from a file or from stdin into SQL table and query it instantly. Uses sqlite as backend. The idea is to make SQL into a tool on the command line or in scripts.
BigbashA converter that generates a bash one-liner from an SQL Select query (no DB necessary)
OctosqlOctoSQL is a query tool that allows you to join, analyse and transform data from multiple databases and file formats using SQL.
Search widgetFlutter package: Search Widget for selecting an option from a data list.
RrdaREST API allowing to perform DNS queries over HTTP
Minestat📈 A Minecraft server status checker
Query TranslatorQuery Translator is a search query translator with AST representation
Sqldb LoggerA logger for Go SQL database driver without modify existing *sql.DB stdlib usage.
FselectFind files with SQL-like queries
WhoisGo(Golang) module for domain and ip whois information query.
Use Http🐶 React hook for making isomorphic http requests
AdsearchA tool to help query AD via the LDAP protocol
GojsonqA simple Go package to Query over JSON/YAML/XML/CSV Data
LdflexA JavaScript DSL for querying Linked Data on the Web
Mq ScssExtremely powerful Sass media query mixin. Allows you to create almost any media query you can imagine.
Container QueryA PostCSS plugin and Javascript runtime combination, which allows you to write container queries in your CSS the same way you would write media queries.
Vue ScreenReactive screen size and media query states for VueJS
GraphqueryGraphQuery is a query language and execution engine tied to any backend service.
Laravel CacheableRinvex Cacheable is a granular, intuitive, and fluent caching system for eloquent models. Simple, but yet powerful, plug-n-play with no hassle.
PgtypedpgTyped - Typesafe SQL in TypeScript
Ts3admin.classThe ts3admin.class is a powerful api for communication with Teamspeak 3 Servers from your website! Your creativity knows no bounds!
GeoticEntity Component System library for javascript
Xer.cqrsA lightweight and easy-to-use CQRS + DDD library
RapidqlQuery multiple APIs and DBs and join them in a single query
ResqReact Element Selector Query (RESQ) - Query React components and children by component name or HTML selector
AstqAbstract Syntax Tree (AST) Query Engine
Async Gamequery LibA high-performance java game query library designed for steam/source based games and others
Use Query ParamsReact Hook for managing state in URL query parameters with easy serialization.
HpqUtility to parse and query HTML into an object shape
FiregraphGraphQL Superpowers for Google Cloud Firestore
AskxmlRun SQL statements on XML documents
PumpkindbImmutable Ordered Key-Value Database Engine
Query.apexA dynamic SOQL and SOSL query builder on platform
QueryqlEasily add filtering, sorting, and pagination to your Node.js REST API through your old friend: the query string!
Discordgsm📺 Monitor your game servers on Discord and tracks the live data of your game servers. Also support one-click deployment to Heroku, self-hosted. Invite:
DuckyDuck-Typed Value Handling for JavaScript
Js JsonqA simple Javascript Library to Query over Json Data
PypikaPyPika is a python SQL query builder that exposes the full richness of the SQL language using a syntax that reflects the resulting query. PyPika excels at all sorts of SQL queries but is especially useful for data analysis.
EloquentfilterAn Eloquent Way To Filter Laravel Models And Their Relationships
Rumble⛈️ Rumble 1.11.0 "Banyan Tree"🌳 for Apache Spark | Run queries on your large-scale, messy JSON-like data (JSON, text, CSV, Parquet, ROOT, AVRO, SVM...) | No install required (just a jar to download) | Declarative Machine Learning and more
Geo On FireA library to create high performance geolocation queries for Firebase. Checkout the demos: and
IngraphIncremental view maintenance for openCypher graph queries.
Foundatio.parsersA lucene style query parser that is extensible and allows modifying the query.