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Top 591 babel open source projects

Express Mongoose Es6 Rest Api
💥 A boilerplate application for building RESTful APIs Microservice in Node.js using express and mongoose in ES6 with code coverage and JsonWebToken Authentication
Babel Webpack Tree Shaking
Tree-shaking example with Babel and Webpack
Asts Workshop
Improved productivity 💯 with the practical 🤓 use of the power 💪 of Abstract Syntax Trees 🌳 to lint ⚠️ and transform 🔀 your code
Tailwind CSS as a templating language in JS and CSS-in-JS
Minimal React Starter
As minimal a react starter as you can get... while also using ES6/Babel and Webpack.
Extremely simple boilerplate, easiest you can find, for React application including all the necessary tools: Flow | React 16 | redux | babel 6 | webpack 3 | css-modules | jest | enzyme | express + optional: sass/scss
Eslint Import Resolver Babel Module
Custom eslint resolve for babel-plugin-module-resolver
Babel Plugin React Flow Props To Prop Types
Convert Flow React props annotation to PropTypes
Productivity Frontend
Productivity Application - Kanban Style Productivity Management Application with Customizable Boards, Lists and Cards to Make You More Productive.
Babel Plugin Tester
Utilities for testing babel plugins
Static Html Webpack Boilerplate
🔮 modern tooling for old-school static webpage development
The react-based community network for amFOSS members
Frontend Boilerplate
An ES20XX starter with common frontend tasks using Webpack 4 as module bundler and npm scripts as task runner.
React Course
Code for's "React" course
Embeddable React Widget
Create an embbedable js widget with react
React Pwa
An upgradable boilerplate for Progressive web applications (PWA) with server side rendering, build with SEO in mind and achieving max page speed and optimized user experience.
a modern MDX compiler. No runtime. With esbuild, Rollup, and webpack plugins
Express Api Es6 Starter
Build APIs with Express.js in no time using ES6/ES7/ESNext goodness.
React Expressjs
Simple and compact boilerplate for ReactJS project with expressJS
Django Static Precompiler
Django Static Precompiler provides template tags and filters to compile CoffeeScript, LiveScript, SASS / SCSS, LESS, Stylus, Babel and Handlebars. It works with both inline code and external files.
Organize and send HTTP requests from Emacs
Electron Vue
An Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, common Vue plugins, electron-packager/electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools, and webpack.
Babel Plugin React Intl Auto
i18n for the component age. Auto management react-intl ID.
Js Library Boilerplate
Javascript Starter Boilerplate - Webpack 4, Babel 7, UMD, Hot Reloading, and more
Lerna Yarn Workspaces Monorepo
🐉 A Monorepo with multiple packages and a shared build, test, and release process.
Don't use this, use Create React App
Koa Web Kit
🚀A Modern, Production-Ready, and Full-Stack Node Web Framework with React
Styled React Boilerplate
Minimal & Modern boilerplate for building apps with React & styled-components
Are You Es5
A package to help you find out which of your node_modules aren't ES5 so you can add them to your Webpack/Rollup/Parcel transpilation steps.
📦 Store your configs in one place and share between projects without any pain
The lightweight es6 event library.
Mullet Stack: Facebook in the front. Walmart in the back. (React, Hapijs, Node)
Babel Plugin Macros
🎣 Allows you to build simple compile-time libraries
👕 👖 📦 A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).
Modern Backbone Starterkit
Lightweight starting point for a modern backbone web app.
F# to JavaScript Compiler
Advanced React Webpack Babel Setup
The advanced React, Webpack, Babel Setup. You want to get beyond create-react-app?
Essential React
A minimal skeleton for building testable React apps using Babel
a blog based on of react,webpack3,dva,redux,material-ui,fetch,generator,markdown,nodejs,koa2,mongoose,docker,shell,and async/await 基于react+koa2技术栈的个人开源博客系统
Babel Esm Plugin
Add this plugin to generate mirrored esm modules for your existing bundles
Babel Plugin Tailcall Optimization
Tail call optimization for JavaScript!
Partial application syntax and lambda parameters for JavaScript, inspired by Scala's `_` & Kotlin's `it`
React Tradingview Widget
React component for rendering the TradingView Advanced Real-Time Chart Widget.
Babel Plugin React Html Attrs
Babel plugin which transforms HTML and SVG attributes on JSX host elements into React-compatible attributes
☄️ A minimalistic zero-config GraphQL server.
Lite Editor
A Modern WYSIWYG Editor especially for inline elements
Graphql Tag.macro
Babel Macro for graphql-tag
1-60 of 591 babel projects