Top 692 common lisp open source projects

102. sheeple
Cheeky prototypes for Common Lisp
103. claw-legacy
Autowrapper for Common Lisp
104. cl-xcb-xlib
CLX reimplementation on XCB/Xlib
105. paraphrase-generation
Open-sourced implementation of this paper:
106. geomyid
Gopher server written in Common Lisp
108. mito-auth
User authorization for Mito classes.
109. cl-css
Non-validating, inline CSS generator for Common Lisp
111. lisp-executable
Define programs that are designed to be used from the Unix shell rather than the REPL.
112. clws
websockets server in CL
113. arrows
Implements -> and ->> from Clojure, as well as several expansions on the idea.
114. trivial-indent
A very simple library to allow indentation hints for SWANK.
116. TX2 StereoSLAM
🍀 Develop a SLAM algorithm based on ORB_SLAM2 along with TX2、ZED2、ROS and a mobile platform
117. cl-slug
Small library to make slugs, mainly for URIs, from english and beyond.
118. common-lisp
Exercism exercises in Common Lisp.
119. plokami
Common Lisp PCAP Interface
120. trivial-types
Trivial type definitions for Common Lisp
121. nim-decimal
A correctly-rounded arbitrary precision decimal floating point arithmetic library
122. squirl
Common Lisp port of the Chipmunk 2d physics library
123. prechelt-phone-number-encoding
Comparison between Java and Common Lisp solutions to a phone-encoding problem described by Prechelt
124. web4r
A common lisp web application framework
125. practical-common-lisp
Source code for 'Practical Common Lisp' by Peter Seibel
126. journal
A Common Lisp library for logging, tracing, testing and persistence.
127. alexa
A Lexical Analyzer Generator
128. nylo
Nylo's programming language interpreter.
129. cisp
Minimal Lisp Interpreter
130. aquagpusph
Free CFD software based on SPH and accelerated with OpenCL
131. birch
A Simple Common Lisp IRC client library.
132. cl-store
No description, website, or topics provided.
133. WordMat
WordMat is an add-in to MicroSoft Word enabling math functionality
134. corona
Create and manage virtual machines from Common Lisp
135. gtype
C++/Julia-like parametric types in CL, based on CLtL2 extensions
136. rsa
The RSA Encryption Algorithm written in Common Lisp
137. Ethereum-Contracts
A place for my Ethereum projects
138. quickdocs-server
Web application running at
139. bodge-ui-window
Utility to quickly setup GUI for your Common Lisp application
140. xcvb
eXtensible Component Verifier and Builder for Common-Lisp (mirrored from
141. Kilns
An experimental programming language based on the kell calculus.
142. ecl-iphone
Embeddable Common Lisp that compiles for iPhone.
143. sbcli
A REPL for my SBCL needs
144. re
Lua-style Pattern Matching for Common Lisp
145. folio
The folio library of functional utilities for Common Lisp. folio provides a convenient subset of Bard semantics for use in Common Lisp programs.
146. veloxvm
VeloxVM: A virtual machine for resource-constrained IoT devices
147. heroku-buildpack-cl
No description, website, or topics provided.
148. bp
Bitcoin Protocol components in Common Lisp
149. bodge-godot
Bindings to Godot's GDNative API
150. cl-utils
GrammaTech Common Lisp Utilities
101-150 of 692 common lisp projects