Top 599 d open source projects

502. grpc-dlang
Grpc for D programming language, hunt-http library based.
503. News-Qt-App
A repository for the Qt based Newsreader Mobile app.
504. OpenCDN Node2.0
Open source CDN software
505. dproto
D Protocol Buffer mixins to create structures at compile time
506. gdb-ios
GNU Debugger for jail broken IOS on arm64
507. jwtd
D implementation of JSON Web Token.
✭ 28
508. swarm
Asynchronous client/node framework library
✭ 14
510. owlchain-core
Official D implementation of OWLchain protocol
511. androidsvg
SVG library for android
513. go.d
Wait free thread communication
514. gtkDcoding
Sample code from, a tutorial blog for new GtkD programmers.
515. d-nanomsg
experimental d-lang bindings for nano msg
516. oo2c
Optimizing Oberon-2 Compiler
517. BraLa
A minecraft SMP Client written in D (License: GPLv3) – BraLa, Minecraft on a lower (WTF?) level
✭ 30
518. dlang-bot
dlang-bot for automated bugzilla, github, and trello references
519. agipibi
Agipibi - An Arduino to GPIB Interface
✭ 27
520. xlsxd
A thin wrapper around libxlsx to write excel spreadsheets
521. androidcurlsample
Sample code for Android showing usage of curl binary created using
522. pywin32
python for windows extensions
523. nes
NES emulator written in D.
✭ 30
525. scod
A nice documentation generator based on ddox.
526. Dynace
Dynace object-oriented extension to C
527. EasyJSB-for-cocos2dx
Easy to call C++ or Native method from Javascript in Cocos2dx-JSB
528. cygwin
Cygwin mirror. Use instead.
529. openkit-unity
OpenKit Unity Plugin project
530. feedback
FeedBack - Music & Rhythm Game Engine
✭ 37
531. Example-of-Cocos2DX
《实例妙解 Cocos2d-x 游戏开发》随书资源
532. gerar-php
Gerar-PHP: Configuration Management
✭ 55
533. CocoaSanitizer
A suite of dynamic analysis tools to find bugs at design time. The tools leverage the Objective-C runtime, to look for common anti-patterns which can lead to crashes.
534. DHTMLParser
D HTML Parser, similar to python BeautifulSoup
535. tools
Tools for Compiler Explorer
536. ciel
A distributed execution engine for cloud computing
538. Cookbook
539. Litter-collecting-robot
Masters degree semester project: autonomous litter collecting robot.
540. flatorize
Generate fast implementations of mathematical expressions. Inclues a linear algebra library.
541. DJni
A convenient D wrapper around JNI.
✭ 14
542. vibedist
The vibe.d load-balancer and virtual host manager
✭ 18
Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers, with integrated styling and tag customization.
544. dvm
A tool to install and manage D compilers
545. pm-mobile
Umit Mobile Sniffer for Android
547. mecca
Weka.IO's userland OS
✭ 66
548. msgpack-rpc-d
MessagePack-RPC for D
✭ 15
549. Cocos2d-X-plus-UIKit
This project demonstrates how we can add UIKit components onto the scene created by Cocos2d-X.
550. pyglfw
Python bindings for GLFW
501-550 of 599 d projects