Top 187 Gnuplot open source projects

51. osm-node-density
🌇 a visualization of OpenStreetMaps node density
52. sentence-boundary-detection-nn
Sentence Boundary Detection using Deep Neural Networks.
53. ecurve
DiffieHellman, Elgamal, ECDSA & STS with elliptic curve in python
54. talks
Random material having to do with Daniel Lemire's talks
55. cp2015-subgraph-isomorphism
CP 2015 subgraph isomorphism experiments, data and paper
56. ddprint
ddPrint - Adding Process control to FDM printers
57. courses
Course materials for escience curricula
58. gnuplot-mode
An emacs major mode for editing gnuplot scripts.
60. delphi
Framework for assembling causal probabilistic models from text and software.
61. prolongo
MongoDB Driver for Prolog
62. partmc
Particle-resolved stochastic atmospheric aerosol model
63. Maxent
Maximum entropy modelling of species geographic distributions.
64. econowcast
Experimental tools (R) for Big Data econometrics nowcasting and early estimates
68. ConcLinkedList
Implementation of concurrent linked list. Lock-based and lock-free versions.
69. uniconvertor
UniConvertor is a cross-platform universal vector graphics translator
70. PageRankBenchmark
No description, website, or topics provided.
72. gnuplot kernel
A Jupyter/IPython kernel for gnuplot
74. cobrix
A COBOL parser and Mainframe/EBCDIC data source for Apache Spark
77. CNCLib
CNCLib - a program to control your Arduino based CNC machine
78. objective perceptual analysis
Objective Perceptual Analysis - Compression Karma Predictor
79. openag-mechanical
No description, website, or topics provided.
80. map benchmark
Comprehensive benchmarks of C++ maps
81. Deep-Neural-Networks-HealthCare
Tangible and Practical Deep Learning Projects Repository for Healthcare such as Cancer, Drug Discovery, Genomic and More
84. ukkonen-suffixtree
A C implementation of Ukkonen's suffix tree-building algorithm, with test suite and tree print.
85. desquirr
86. md-analysis-tools
scripts for analyzing molecular dynamics trajectories using VMD
88. aiki
aiki.go source code and analysis
90. Zhi
Interactive LaTeX Paper Writing in Google Drive
An academic c++ code for numerical modelling of fluid-particle systems using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and Discrete Element Modeling (DEM)
92. awp-odc-os
The Anelastic Wave Propagation software (awp-odc-os) simulates wave propagation in a 3D viscoelastic or elastic solid.
93. emacs-config
My personnal Emacs configuration
94. escpos-snippets
Prototyping of improvements to receipt print drivers
95. Building-Distributed-Applications-in-Gin
Building Distributed Applications in Gin, published by Packt
97. wannier-tutorials
A repository hosting materials used during the Wannier90 tutorials
98. promenade
Code repository for Master's Thesis: "Performance of Physics-Driven Procedural Animation of Character Locomotion For Bipedal and Quadrupedal Gait"
99. ocaml-rope
Ropes ("heavyweight strings") for OCaml
100. fedora-infra-ansible
mirror of ansible configuration in fedora infrastructure
51-100 of 187 Gnuplot projects