All Programming Languages → Jupyter Notebook

Top 11667 Jupyter Notebook open source projects

551. Remi
Python REMote Interface library. Platform independent. In about 100 Kbytes, perfect for your diet.
552. Open spiel
OpenSpiel is a collection of environments and algorithms for research in general reinforcement learning and search/planning in games.
553. Agriculture knowledgegraph
554. Pomegranate
Fast, flexible and easy to use probabilistic modelling in Python.
555. data-engineering-zoomcamp
Code for Data Engineer Zoomcamp course
556. NetML-Competition2020
No description, website, or topics provided.
558. dask-ec2
Start a cluster in EC2 for dask.distributed
560. PUI2018 fb55
homework assignments and solutions for CUSP PUI 2018
561. Multilingual-CLIP
OpenAI CLIP text encoders for multiple languages!
562. Haskell2Julia
A partial transpiler from Haskell to Julia.
563. Tuberculosis ChestXray Classifier
Classification for chest X ray images of tuberculosis using PyTorch, Timm, and modified EfficientNet family
564. PythonLab
Python Backtesing Tool
565. mazebot
Mazebot has mazes... a lot of mazes. Can you help it solve them?
566. Basic-Well-Log-Interpretation
Basic Well Log Interpretation with python, pandas, matplotlib
567. Symplectic-ODENet
No description, website, or topics provided.
568. revise-tool
REVISE: A Tool for Measuring and Mitigating Bias in Visual Datasets ---
569. dynamic factor models
No description, website, or topics provided.
570. XArrayAndRasterio
Experimental code for loading/saving XArray DataArrays to Geographic Rasters using rasterio
571. course eeg WS2020
First EEG course in WS2020 in Stuttgart
572. ntuphys nb
Course notes for NTU Physics, in Jupyter and LaTeX format
573. StyleCLIP-pytorch
No description, website, or topics provided.
575. Deep-Learning-with-GDP-Tensorflow
Code to accompany the paper "Deep Learning with Gaussian Differential Privacy"
578. orderbook
Implementation of a orderbook data structure for LOB research capabilities.
582. AdversarialSpeech
Fooling neural based speech recognition systems.
584. papermill-mlflow
🧪 Simple data science experimentation & tracking with jupyter, papermill, and mlflow.
585. pytorchupandrunning
Code for Programming PyTorch for Deep Learning
586. workshops
Materials for workshops on the Hugging Face ecosystem
587. malaya-speech
Speech Toolkit for bahasa Malaysia,
588. LSQuantization
The PyTorch implementation of Learned Step size Quantization (LSQ) in ICLR2020 (unofficial)
589. DL-Toolkit
No description, website, or topics provided.
590. pupil
Open source eye tracking: Created a plugin that integrates real-time object recognition with fixations. Used with Arduino and ROS to control grasps of a robotic prosthetic hand.
592. decod unseen maintenance
This repository stores all scripts to analyze MEG data from the eponymous manuscript.
593. tutorials2018
tutorials for the ML course
594. gossipSimulator
Simulating the power of story telling
595. stargazer
Python implementation of the R stargazer multiple regression model creation tool
596. CryptoTradingResearch
No description, website, or topics provided.
597. 500lines-simplified-Chinese
原文: 《500 Lines or Less》兴趣爱好业余翻译,勿商用,转载请与[email protected]联系。
598. image-processing-101
Code examples on how to do things with OpenCV on Python
599. machine translation
No description, website, or topics provided.
600. quantum emoticon
No description, website, or topics provided.
551-600 of 11667 Jupyter Notebook projects