MlflowOpen source platform for the machine learning lifecycle
Nlp RecipesNatural Language Processing Best Practices & Examples
KoalasKoalas: pandas API on Apache Spark
papermill-mlflow🧪 Simple data science experimentation & tracking with jupyter, papermill, and mlflow.
one-click-mlflowA tool to deploy a mostly serverless MLflow tracking server on a GCP project with one command
pywedgeMakes Interactive Chart Widget, Cleans raw data, Runs baseline models, Interactive hyperparameter tuning & tracking
MLOpsMLOps template with examples for Data pipelines, ML workflow management, API development and Monitoring.
dvc dask use caseA use case of a reproducible machine learning pipeline using Dask, DVC, and MLflow.
mlf-coreCPU and GPU deterministic and therefore fully reproducible machine learning pipelines using MLflow.
five-minute-midasPredicting Profitable Day Trading Positions using Decision Tree Classifiers. scikit-learn | Flask | SQLite3 | pandas | MLflow | Heroku | Streamlit
craneCrane is a easy-to-use and beautiful desktop application helps you build manage your container images.
deep autovimlBuild tensorflow keras model pipelines in a single line of code. Now with mlflow tracking. Created by Ram Seshadri. Collaborators welcome. Permission granted upon request.
mlops-platformsCompare MLOps Platforms. Breakdowns of SageMaker, VertexAI, AzureML, Dataiku, Databricks, h2o, kubeflow, mlflow...
ml-pipelineUsing Kafka-Python to illustrate a ML production pipeline
mlflow-dockerReady to run docker-compose configuration for ML Flow with Mysql and Minio S3
lightning-hydra-templatePyTorch Lightning + Hydra. A very user-friendly template for rapid and reproducible ML experimentation with best practices. ⚡🔥⚡
cartpole-rl-remoteCartPole game by Reinforcement Learning, a journey from training to inference
k3aiA lightweight tool to get an AI Infrastructure Stack up in minutes not days. K3ai will take care of setup K8s for You, deploy the AI tool of your choice and even run your code on it.
incremental trainingRepo that relates to the Medium blog 'Keeping your ML model in shape with Kafka, Airflow' and MLFlow'
mlflow-gocdGoCD plugins to work with MLFlow as model repository in a CD flow
fusemlFuseML aims to provide an MLOps framework as the medium dynamically integrating together the AI/ML tools of your choice. It's an extensible tool built through collaboration, where Data Engineers and DevOps Engineers can come together and contribute with reusable integration code.
event extract master支持百度竞赛数据的中文事件抽取,支持ace2005数据的英文事件抽取,本人将苏神的三元组抽取算法中的DGCNN改成了事件抽取任务,并将karas改成了本人习惯使用的pytorch,在数据加载处考虑了各种语言的扩展