Top 122 Max open source projects

51. 1px
Drawing a 1px dot in various environments.
52. DPF-Plugins
Collection of DPF-based plugins for packaging
53. tidal-maxmsp
Connecting the Tidal live coding environment to MaxMSP
54. udk17-Digital Harmony
UdK audiovisual programming course resources 2017_SS
55. MC-Sonaar
pure data live sampling-mashup tool
56. FLARToolKit
No description or website provided.
57. Creative-Coding-Grad-Fall-2014
Repository for Creative Coding (DM-GY 6063), Polytechnic School of Engineering, NYU. Fall, 2014.
58. waves-lfo
Low Frequency Operators - simple and efficient graph-based javascript API designed for the processing and analysis of signal and event data streams such as audio, audio descriptors and motion sensor data
59. prosody
a modular collection of effects & controls based in max for live.
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60. zeroconf
Rémy Muller's Zeroconf (Bonjour) objects for MaxMSP, OS X + Windows
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61. max oculus
Max/MSP/Jitter external & example for the Oculus Rift
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62. max-mqtt
MQTT for Max
63. Terms
max4live bundle
64. libmanta
A library and set of applications to interface with the Snyderphonics Manta
65. trellis-monome
A monome clone using the Adafruit Trellis keypads based on the original arduinome:
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66. minuit
Propositions for a post-OSC prototypal protocol
67. AHarker Externals
A Set of 80+ Externals for a variety of tasks in MaxMSP.
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68. max-projects
Max/MSP Jitter experiments
69. MSDP
Music_SDP is a toolbox for Multimedia Synthesis, Design, and Performance
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70. petita-dumdum
I'm a Soundcloud bot. I like the abstract poetry of Petita Tatata, so I download and improvise music over them. I upload my improvisations to soundcloud. I'm still very young and just learning to play. But it's fun and I enjoy.
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71. NodeMCU OSC
Send and receive OSC data wireless between NodeMCU and eg. Smartphone
72. Diffusion
Particle system driven granular synthesiser for Max/MSP/Jitter
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73. DepthKit-for-Max
A patch for using DepthKit volumetric videos in Max/MSP/Jitter
75. bl.max
Balint Laczko's Max toolbox for working with lists, dictionaries, patterns, gestures, and more.
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76. th.scala
Explore alternative and microtonal tuning systems with this small package of abstractions for Max
77. Transcranial
Interactive dance performance with Klaus Obermaier and Daito Manabe.
78. confetti
Library of M4L devices based on the modules in The Party Van, Cut Glove, and TPV2.
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79. MaxMonokai
Package with color schemes for Max/MSP 5 and 6
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80. m4m8
Mod implementation for Live10/Max8
81. flucoma-max
Fluid Corpus Manipulation objects for Cycling 74's Max
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82. openbts-p2.8
(Deprecated) OpenBTS P2.8 - GSM base station
84. crow-max-and-m4l
Max + M4L for crow (monome/whimsical raps)
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85. Les-terrains-vagues
A Max/MSP patch for musical improvisation
86. Euromax
Eurorack-inspired modules for Max/MSP
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87. Max Worldmaking Package
A package for Max/MSP/Jitter to support computational worldmaking
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88. n4m-handpose
Wraps MediaPipe HandPose inside electron and serves the detected parts via MaxAPI.
89. hedrot
open-source head tracker -
90. P5M4L
93. context-mirror
Mirror of ConTeXt beta source code
94. downloaded-quarks
A downloadable compilation of SuperCollider Quarks
95. automatic programming sound synthesis
No description, website, or topics provided.
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96. eegOSCworkshop
OSC broadcaster and clients to receive data from ZEO / ThinkGear / Muse EEG headbands
97. screen-to-push-2-display
Grabs a rectangular area of the screen and streams it to Push 2's display.
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98. oopsy
gen~ to Daisy: exporting Max Gen patchers for the ElectroSmith Daisy hardware platforms
100. Dyci2Lib
"Dicy2 for Max" is a Max package implementing interactive agents using machine-learning to generate musical sequences that can be integrated into musical situations ranging from the production of structured material within a compositional process to the design of autonomous agents for improvised interaction. Check also our plugin for Ableton live !
51-100 of 122 Max projects