Unity PatchDark theme patch for any version of Unity for Windows, MacOS and Linux.
First Person Controller VeryhotsharkThis is a project where im trying to create a quite generic first person controller that can be use in different games and extended for your own needs. I started this project because i wanted to create a controller for my walking simulator game so that's why controller fits better with this genre. I Also use a free extension from Unity Store called Naughty Attributes to help me keep this project nice and tidy.
GameframeworkThis is literally a game framework, based on Unity game engine. It encapsulates commonly used game modules during development, and, to a large degree, standardises the process, enhances the development speed and ensures the product quality.
CradlePlay Twine stories in Unity.
AlloyAlloy physical shader framework for Unity.
UnitysizeexplorerVisualize how much space each asset in your Unity game takes and quickly optimize your game's file size
EzsoftboneA simple kinetic simulator for Unity, you can use it to simulate hair/tail/breast/skirt and other soft objects
RlsReinforcement Learning Algorithms Based on TensorFlow 2.x
HololensartoolkitMarker tracking using the front-facing camera of HoloLens (both 1 and 2) and Unity, with a wrapper of ARToolKit built for UWP (Windows Universal Platform)
RoboleagueA car soccer environment inspired by Rocket League for deep reinforcement learning experiments in an adversarial self-play setting.
Kk Hf patchAutomatically translate, uncensor and update Koikatu! and Koikatsu Party!
HololenscamerastreamThis Unity plugin makes the HoloLens video camera frames available to a Unity app in real time. This enables Unity devs to easily use the HoloLens camera for computer vision (or anything they want).
NodulusPuzzle game with clever twists (Unity3d)
CatlibCatLib for unity3d dependency injection framework
Unity UtilitiesA collection of Unity3D scripts I've been sharing between projects - open source, fully commented and with examples.
UrmotionFlexible motion engine for non time-based animation in Unity.
Xrtk CoreThe Official Mixed Reality Framework for Unity
OpenvheadA 3D virtual head control system for VTuber in Unity with smooth motion and robust facial expressions
OpenseefaceRobust realtime face and facial landmark tracking on CPU with Unity integration
MathutilitiesA collection of some of the neat math and physics tricks that I've collected over the last few years.
ContactshadowsExperimental implementation of contact shadows for Unity.
GizmosUsed for drawing runtime gizmos in builds and editor (Unity3D)
Noiseball2A small example of procedural modeling with compute shaders.
MinisMinis: MIDI Input for New Input System -- A plugin that adds MIDI input support to Unity's new Input System
IpaIllusion Plugin Architecture (Reloaded)
Light2d2D shader-based lighting system for Unity3D
WfcmazeWFC (Wave Function Collapse) with Unity
EgocsEgoCS: An Entity (GameObject) Component System framework for Unity3D
Infinite Scroll UnityInfinite Scroll is a script extension that allows you to use ScrollRect control as an infinite spinner. It is fast, simple and mobile-friendly way to make lists with thousands of rows.
Unity3d Gitlab Ci Example Mirror🍴Mirror of the gableroux/unity3d-gitlab-ci-example project for Travis and CircleCI on Github. If you are looking for Github Actions, refer to https://github.com/game-ci/unity-actions-example instead.
EntitiesbtBehavior Tree for Unity ECS (DOTS) framework
KlakhapHAP video player plugin for Unity
Nice Lua基于xlua的MVVM框架,支持Addressables, 统一渲染管线等Unity新特性
DelightDelight is an open source component-oriented framework for Unity.
UnityhookPlatform to hook into Unity3D assemblies
LomenuiStylish UI package for Unity engine.
Ssgi UrpScreen Space Global Illumination for Unity Universal Render Pipeline
Ez Camera Shake UnityA free powerful asset for achieving easy and quality camera shake in Unity. Open-sourced with the permission of Road Turtle Games. 📷
LibtessdotnetC# port of the famous GLU Tessellator - prebuilt binaries now available in "releases" tab
AsynccapturetestNon-blocking screen capture example with asynchronous GPU readback
RtltmproRight-To-Left Text Mesh Pro for Unity. This plugin adds support for Persian and Arabic languages to TextMeshPro.