Top 82 Slim open source projects

51. mulukhiya-toot-proxy
52. xiaohanyu
Real source code for my website.
54. fauna
Small hackerspace management automation system in use by init Lab
55. legaltechlist
No description, website, or topics provided.
56. covid19br-pub
Projeto de monitoramento de publicações oficiais relacionadas a COVID-19 no Brasil.
57. additionals
Redmine plugin for easy customization of settings, text and content display by using personal or role-based dashboards (drag&drop), providing wiki macros and act as library for other plugins.
59. publishers
Publisher interface for Brave Payments
60. dipdup-py
Modular framework for creating selective indexers and featureful backends for dapps
61. redmine hourglass
New Redmine plugin to enhance the time tracking abilities, reports and REST-API.
62. mudamos-web
Plataforma de práticas participativas Mudamos
Job boards for Russian-speaking Ruby developers
64. gitlab-live
Interactive online shell for GitLab API
65. pyslim
Tools for dealing with tree sequences coming to and from SLiM.
68. tabulatr2
A very JS enhanced Tabulatr edition. Rails4, Ruby 2 required
70. ruby2-rails5-bootstrap-heroku
An opinionated starter application based on Ruby 2.6, Rails 5.2, Webpack 4, Yarn, and Bootstrap 4, deployable on Heroku
72. hardwired
Hardwired - A 'NonCMS' for coders that applies the DRY and KISS principles to both content and code.
74. fountainpencompanion
Repository for
The authentication server for CocoaPods push
78. govuk-components
Lightweight components for developing with the GOV.UK Design System
80. open311status
Open311 Status monitors and aggregates the status of dozens of Open311 API endpoints, providing benchmarks and comparative insights.
Blueprint website and application portal
82. BaritoMarket
On-demand logging infrastructure platform
51-82 of 82 Slim projects