Frontend Webpack BoilerplateSimple starter webpack 5 project template supporting SASS/PostCSS, Babel ES7, browser syncing, code linting. Easy project setup having multiple features and developer friendly tools.
Reset CssAn unmodified* copy of Eric Meyer's CSS reset. PostCSS, webpack, Sass, and Less friendly.
PrejssGet the power of PostCSS with plugins in your JSS styles. 🎨 Just put CSS into JS and get it as JSS object.
CoreNative HTML Elements with CSS superpowers. 🕶
A17tAn atomic design toolkit for pragmatists
Rfs✩ Automates responsive resizing ✩
Modular CssA streamlined reinterpretation of CSS Modules via CLI, API, Browserify, Rollup, Webpack, or PostCSS
HiqA lightweight, progressive, high-IQ CSS framework.
KitReactQL starter kit (use the CLI)
Svelte BoilerplateSvelte application boilerplate with Webpack, Babel, PostCSS, Sass, Fetch, Jest, .Env, EsLint.
Mobi.cssA lightweight, scalable, mobile-first CSS framework
Polymer Skeleton💀 Skeleton for Polymer 3 app with Webpack, PostCSS and Service Workers ready.
Xity StarterA blog-ready 11ty starter based on PostCSS, with RSS feed and Native Elements!
Stylefmtstylefmt is a tool that automatically formats stylesheets.
HopsUniversal Development Environment
RucksackA little bag of CSS superpowers, built on PostCSS
DeventyA minimal 11ty starting point for building static websites with modern tools.
Webpack EncoreA simple but powerful API for processing & compiling assets built around Webpack
ReactqlUniversal React+GraphQL starter kit: React 16, Apollo 2, MobX, Emotion, Webpack 4, GraphQL Code Generator, React Router 4, PostCSS, SSR
Postcss ApplyPostCSS plugin enabling custom properties sets references
Postcss AntSize-getting function masquerading as a grid system.
PreprocessorA future-facing CSS preprocessor (used by SUIT CSS)
Postcss Px To ViewportA plugin for PostCSS that generates viewport units (vw, vh, vmin, vmax) from pixel units. The best choice to create a scalable interface on different displays by one design size.
BarebonesA barebones boilerplate for getting started on a bespoke front end.
FastDevelop, build, deploy, redeploy, and teardown frontend projects fast.
FrascoQuick starter for Jekyll including full setup for Sass, PostCSS, Autoprefixer, stylelint, Webpack, ESLint, imagemin, Browsersync, etc.
MidasSyntax highlighter based on PostCSS.
Container QueryA PostCSS plugin and Javascript runtime combination, which allows you to write container queries in your CSS the same way you would write media queries.
Webpack4 Cli🌈 Webpack4 + Vue/React + TS (SPA or MPA) 面向实际工作流(开发 & 编译 & 打包 & 部署 & 上线)的脚手架,并提供docker镜像供快速构建。
Fuzzymail📨 Email template generator. Making emails fun again.
Elm BatteriesLearn how Elm, Parcel, Cypress and Netlify work together. Get started with Elm navigation, routes, remote data and decoder.
TailwindcssA utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
Postcss PluginsThe "officially unofficial" consolidated list of PostCSS plugins in a ready-to-use package
Css In React🍭 CSS in React - Learn the best CSS in JS frameworks by example