Top 201 SourcePawn open source projects

51. tf2-comp-fixes
Various TF2 tweaks catered towards competitive play
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52. SMExt-SourceScramble
A SourceMod extension for dealing with memory-related operations.
53. ServerRedirect
SourceMod plugin that allows players to see and connect to other servers
54. TeamGames
Sourcemod plugin providing team based games for prisoners and some useful things for wardens.
55. SourceCoop
Black Mesa cooperative plugin for SourceMod
58. shoov
UI regression and functional testing on dev and live sites
60. MoYu Server Stupid Plugins
L4D2 Target Cat Project
✭ 23
61. SaltyGME
Chiptune (video game music) player for Google Chrome's Native Client
62. CoD4MW
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Scripts and UI
Strain Prediction and Analysis with Representative SEquence
65. insurgency-sourcemod
Fork of SourceMod 1.8 including my custom plugins to support Insurgency.
66. gosproto
67. MGEMod
Comprehensive 1v1 training mod for Team Fortress 2
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70. liblsoda
The LSODA algorithm for differential equations as a shared library
72. WordPress-Coding-Standards
PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) to enforce WordPress coding conventions
73. Equilibrium
New main repo for the Confogl Equilibrium 2.0+ config releases
74. in xsf
xSF Winamp plugins (2SF, GSF, NCSF, SNSF)
76. bag deep ckt
genetic and neural net optimization for circuit design
77. Awesome-Windows
A port of JavaCafe01's dotfiles for AwesomeWM to Windows.
78. G5WS
Game Server Plugin for G5API
80. symfony-docs-ja
The Symfony documentation - Japanese (mainly for Symfony2)
81. Dstar-lite-on-ROS-Turtlebot
D* lite motion planning algorithm, Robot OS, Turtlebot
82. Rotoblin-AZMod
A Competitive L4D1 Versus Configuration. Based on L4D2 Acemod、L4D2 Zonemod、L4D1 rotoblin2
84. wxpdfdoc
wxPdfDocument - Generation of PDF documents from wxWidgets applications
85. gfxboot
Graphical boot screen for GRUB, LILO, and SYSLINUX
86. noxus
Modified stuff for our CS:GO servers
87. tf2attributes
TF2Attributes SourceMod plugin
88. STC
A modern, user friendly, generic, type-safe and fast C99 container library: String, Vector, Sorted and Unordered Map and Set, Deque, Forward List, Smart Pointers, Bitset and Random numbers.
89. L4D2-Plugins
Various Left 4 Dead 2 plugins of varying purpose
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90. BugfixedHL-Rebased
Bugfixed and improved Half-Life
92. meta-parallella
Yocto layer to support the Parallella board from Adapteva
94. WalkHub
This project is outdated. For the current version, visit:
95. gospel
A tool-agnostic formal specification language for OCaml.
97. New-SA-MP-callbacks
A collection of useful and custom scripted SA-MP callbacks.
98. Chat-Processor
A Sourcemod plugin which allows other plugins to add and manage chat related features.
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99. SM-WeaponModels
Weapon models plugin for SourceMod
✭ 25
100. War3Source
Primary repository for War3Source
51-100 of 201 SourcePawn projects