LightbeamLightbeam has moved and now lives in the Wasmtime repository!
AsmjitMachine code generation for C++
Openj9Eclipse OpenJ9: A Java Virtual Machine for OpenJDK that's optimized for small footprint, fast start-up, and high throughput. Builds on Eclipse OMR ( and combines with the Extensions for OpenJDK for OpenJ9 repo.
OccaJIT Compilation for Multiple Architectures: C++, OpenMP, CUDA, HIP, OpenCL, Metal
JfsConstraint solver based on coverage-guided fuzzing
Vue Ssr JitA just in time compilation technique for server-side rendering
LaserThe HPC toolbox: fused matrix multiplication, convolution, data-parallel strided tensor primitives, OpenMP facilities, SIMD, JIT Assembler, CPU detection, state-of-the-art vectorized BLAS for floats and integers
JitboyA Game Boy emulator with dynamic recompilation (JIT)
MinijitA basic x86-64 JIT compiler written from scratch in stock Python
Fake嵌入式脚本语言 Lightweight embedded scripting language
CoreclrCoreCLR is the runtime for .NET Core. It includes the garbage collector, JIT compiler, primitive data types and low-level classes.
ElymasA programming language I can like. Unholy and full of magic.
JitfromscratchExample project from my talks in the LLVM Social Berlin and C++ User Group
JphpJPHP - an implementation of PHP on Java VM
Dotnetbook.NET Platform Architecture book (English, Chinese, Russian)
Yolov5 Rt StackYet another yolov5, with its runtime stack for libtorch, onnx, tvm and specialized accelerators. You like torchvision's retinanet? You like yolov5? You love yolort!
Avr VmVM with JIT-compiler for ATMega32 written in Rust
NanojitNanoJIT is a small, cross-platform C++ library that emits machine code.
MonoMono open source ECMA CLI, C# and .NET implementation.
DiojitFully compatible CPython jit compiler. Optimising Dynamic, Interpreted, and Object-oriented(DIO) programs.
Evoasm.rbAn AIMGP (Automatic Induction of Machine code by Genetic Programming) engine
Lua VermelhaA Lua implementation with an Eclipse OMR based JIT compiler
Uefi JitfuckA JIT compiler for Brainfuck running on x86_64 UEFI
BeebjitA very fast BBC Micro emulator.
CppadcodegenSource Code Generation for Automatic Differentiation using Operator Overloading
NxMulti-dimensional arrays (tensors) and numerical definitions for Elixir
WhaleHook Framework for Android/IOS/Linux/MacOS
WasmjitSmall Embeddable WebAssembly Runtime
Leekscript V2A dynamically typed, compiled just-in-time programming language used in Leek Wars' AIs
Hr4rExample project - "Hot Reloading 4 RequireJS" front-end web applications & some extra code demonstrating hot-reloading for Node.js Express servers
Blend2d2D Vector Graphics Engine Powered by a JIT Compiler
RaviRavi is a dialect of Lua, featuring limited optional static typing, JIT and AOT compilers
TinyccUnofficial mirror of mob development branch
InkwellIt's a New Kind of Wrapper for Exposing LLVM (Safely)
Revise.jlAutomatically update function definitions in a running Julia session
ZetavmMulti-Language Platform for Dynamic Programming Languages
Potion_why the lucky stiff's little language (the official repo... until _why returns)
MoarvmA VM with adaptive optimization and JIT compilation, built for Rakudo
MullPractical mutation testing tool for C and C++
WasmtimeStandalone JIT-style runtime for WebAssembly, using Cranelift
LibxsmmLibrary for specialized dense and sparse matrix operations, and deep learning primitives.
CascadeA Just-In-Time Compiler for Verilog from VMware Research
EnsoHybrid visual and textual functional programming.
IlgpuILGPU JIT Compiler for high-performance .Net GPU programs