etascalibrate ETAS, simulate using ETAS, estimate completeness magnitude & magnitude frequency distribution
REDPyRepeating Earthquake Detector (Python)
stream2segmentA Python project to download, process and visualize medium-to-massive amount of seismic waveforms and metadata
noisiA tool for modeling and source inversion of auto- and cross-correlations of ambient seismic "noise".
RfPyTeleseismic receiver function calculation and post-processing
scrtddDouble Difference Relocator for SeisComP
axisemAxiSEM is a parallel spectral-element method to solve 3D wave propagation in a sphere with axisymmetric or spherically symmetric visco-elastic, acoustic, anisotropic structures.
obsplusA Pandas-Centric ObsPy Expansion Pack
fteikpyAccurate Eikonal solver for Python
seispyPython module of seismology and receiver functions
mtuqmoment tensor uncertainty quantification
TelewavesimTeleseismic body wave modeling through stacks of (submarine/anisotropic) layers
MuRATA multi-resolution seismic attenuation tomography code - currently in its 3.0 release
disbaNumba-accelerated computation of surface wave dispersion
zmap7ZMAP Seismology Software. V 7.x has been updated to MATLAB R2018a.
MTfitMTfit code for Bayesian Moment Tensor Fitting
nllgridPython class for reading and writing NLLoc grid files.
sl2influxdbFetch seedlink data and store them into InfluxDB
LazylystLazylyst is a GUI created for time series review, using a flexible framework for new workflows
QuakeMigrateA Python package for automatic earthquake detection and location using waveform migration and stacking.
OrientPySeismic station orientation tools
FastPCCCompute interstation correlations of seismic ambient noise, including fast implementations of the standard, 1-bit and phase cross-correlations.
GisolaGisola: A High Performance Computing application for real-time Moment Tensor inversion
PH5Library of PH5 clients, apis, and utilities
sonifySonification of seismic and infrasound signals