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1139 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Githubprojectbrowser

Dating app based on firebase services and facebook login. MVVM-Kotlin-RxJava-Dagger-Databinding
Stars: ✭ 55 (-14.06%)
Mutual labels:  clean-architecture, dagger2, viewmodel
The Games app has two features which are listing and showing detail of games.
Stars: ✭ 15 (-76.56%)
Mutual labels:  clean-architecture, dagger2, rxkotlin
Android App for searching for videos on Youtube by keywords using YouTube Data API and download videos from YouTube in different formats.
Stars: ✭ 25 (-60.94%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, retrofit2, livedata
Kotlin Android Mvvm Starter
Android Kotlin Starter is a starter project which implements MVVM Pattern.
Stars: ✭ 276 (+331.25%)
Posts Mvvm Daggerhilt Dynamic Feature Rxjava3 Flow Sample
Posts Api sample with Kotlin RxJava3/Coroutines Flow, Clean Architecture, Offline first/last with Room + Retrofit2, Dagger Hilt, Dynamic Feature Modules, Static Code Analysis, Gradle DSL, MockK+ MockWebServer with Test Driven Development including Api and Database tests
Stars: ✭ 41 (-35.94%)
Mutual labels:  clean-architecture, room, retrofit2
✅ A meter to-do list built with Android Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, LiveData, Databinding, ViewBinding, DataStore...), MotionLayout, Kotlin Coroutines, Dagger Hilt, Material Components, ...
Stars: ✭ 244 (+281.25%)
Mutual labels:  room, viewmodel, livedata
Very simple project to show a collection of Movie from MovieDb with a minimalist design
Stars: ✭ 46 (-28.12%)
Mutual labels:  room, clean-architecture, dagger2
Kotlin Android Scaffolding
An android project structure using kotlin and most common libraries.
Stars: ✭ 53 (-17.19%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, clean-architecture, retrofit2
Islamic app written with Kotlin, using KTOR + coroutines + flow + MVVM + Android Jetpack + Navigation component. Old version using RxJava + Retrofit + OKHttp
Stars: ✭ 26 (-59.37%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, retrofit2, livedata
[开源项目] 一款程序员日常放松的App,基于Material Design + MVP-Clean + Weex + Flutter + RxJava2 + Retrofit + Dagger2 + Glide + Okhttp + MTRVA + BRVAH + 炫酷控件 + 炫酷动画
Stars: ✭ 294 (+359.38%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, clean-architecture, retrofit2
A sample app structure using the MVVM architecture LiveData, RxJava, ViewModel, Room and the Navigation Arch Components.
Stars: ✭ 36 (-43.75%)
Pinboard Kotlin
Unofficial Pinboard android app, developed as a playground to study many topics related to Android. Kotlin + Coroutines + MVVM
Stars: ✭ 60 (-6.25%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, clean-architecture, room
A Kotlin android architecture with Google Architecture Components
Stars: ✭ 33 (-48.44%)
TvFlix android app using Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, KTX, Jetpack(Room, ViewModel, Paging3, Lifecycle) based on MVVM architecture purely written in Kotlin
Stars: ✭ 286 (+346.88%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, mockito, retrofit2
Demo project on How to be a Mockstar using Mockito and MockWebServer.
Stars: ✭ 53 (-17.19%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, mockito, retrofit2
Hibiscus, mobile microblogging application.
Stars: ✭ 14 (-78.12%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, retrofit2, livedata
Showcases popular movies, tv shows, and people from The Movie Database
Stars: ✭ 325 (+407.81%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, espresso, retrofit2
Moviefinderusingmvvm Android
🔥 MVVM + Clean Architecture + Best Practices | 🍿Movie Finder is a sample Android application 📱to search movies using OMDb API which is built to demonstrate use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Kodein, Architecture Components, MVVM, Retrofit, Gson, Material Components) 😊😊😉
Stars: ✭ 66 (+3.13%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, retrofit2, livedata
The Movie Db Kotlin
The Movie DB app using Kotlin with updated Android features
Stars: ✭ 176 (+175%)
It simply loads Posts data from API and stores it in persistence storage (i.e. SQLite Database). Posts will be always loaded from local database. Remote data (from API) and Local data is always synchronized.
Stars: ✭ 1,940 (+2931.25%)
Mutual labels:  room, retrofit2, livedata
An Android kotlin project template with Dagger2, Rx and Architecture Components
Stars: ✭ 33 (-48.44%)
Business Search App Java
Showcases object oriented programming in Java, Java Swing, Kotlin, and Android
Stars: ✭ 53 (-17.19%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, clean-architecture, retrofit2
Android Mvvm Coroutine
Kotlin android application example with MVVM pattern, android architecture, kotlin coroutine, unit test, and UI test
Stars: ✭ 111 (+73.44%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, room, livedata
Marvel Characters Android Application Assigned by smava GmbH
Stars: ✭ 227 (+254.69%)
Mutual labels:  espresso, mockito, retrofit2
Android Kotlin Mvi Cleanarchitecture
Android + Kotlin + Modularization + Gradle Depedency managment + Gradle written in Kotlin DSL + Custom Gradle Plugin + MVVM + MVI + Clean Architecture + Repository Pattern + Coroutines + Flows + Koin + Retrofit2 + ROOM + Kotlin-Android-Extension + KtLints
Stars: ✭ 187 (+192.19%)
Mutual labels:  clean-architecture, room, retrofit2
Jetpack Wanandroid
Kotlin+Jetpack+Coroutines+Retrofit+koin 完成的MVVM 组件化客户端 🔥🔥
Stars: ✭ 353 (+451.56%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, room, livedata
🍱 An anime app, based on single activity and MVVM architecture.
Stars: ✭ 24 (-62.5%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, retrofit2, livedata
Android Jetpack Demo
🔥 快速入门Android Jetpack以及相关Kotlin、RxJava、MVVM等主流技术,独立构架App的基础技能
Stars: ✭ 335 (+423.44%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, room, livedata
Stocker is a currency monitoring app. It offers instant currency rates of banks.
Stars: ✭ 38 (-40.62%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, clean-architecture, retrofit2
Jetpack github
基于Kotlin + Jetpack全家桶 + Coroutines(协程) + Flutter等架构实现的一款精简版Github客户端项目,望与广大小伙伴一起成长,欢迎start or fork!
Stars: ✭ 314 (+390.63%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, room, retrofit2
MVI + Clean Architecture + Best Practices | Example of Clean Architecture of Android app using MVI design pattern with Jetpack and popular libraries
Stars: ✭ 50 (-21.87%)
Mutual labels:  room, clean-architecture, mockito
[In progress...] Chat APP | MVVM + Clean Architecture | Kotlin, LiveData, Koin, Databinding, Navigation Fragments, Rx, Room, Crashlytics, Circle CI config, commons classes for UI.
Stars: ✭ 314 (+390.63%)
Mutual labels:  room, viewmodel, livedata
Implemented using Clean Arch, MVVM, LiveData, Room, Koin, Coil, Service, Notification and ExoPlayer
Stars: ✭ 413 (+545.31%)
Mutual labels:  clean-architecture, mockito, livedata
Food Ordering App Like Swiggy Uber Eats Mvvm And Room Database
Food ordering app using MVVM architecture patterns, Architecture Lifecycle components and Room database.
Stars: ✭ 53 (-17.19%)
TeamCity in your pocket (Android application)
Stars: ✭ 48 (-25%)
Mutual labels:  mockito, espresso, dagger2
Chat app based on Firebase tools.
Stars: ✭ 88 (+37.5%)
Mutual labels:  room, dagger2, livedata
[DEPRECATED. USE] Clean Android architecture guidelines that are based on MVVM + Offline 1st approach with LiveData and Room
Stars: ✭ 73 (+14.06%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, retrofit2, livedata
干货集中营 app 安卓实现,基于 RxFlux 架构使用了 RxJava、Retrofit、Glide、Koin等
Stars: ✭ 444 (+593.75%)
Jetpack Compose News
基于Jetpack Compose实现的一款集新闻、视频、美图、音乐、天气等功能的资讯App,持续完善中...
Stars: ✭ 58 (-9.37%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, retrofit2
Android Clean Architecture Example
Yet another Android clean architecture example using RxJava and Room.
Stars: ✭ 37 (-42.19%)
Mutual labels:  clean-architecture, room
Android Architecture Component - ViewModel example
Stars: ✭ 18 (-71.87%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, livedata
Android Kotlin app showcasing the Room persistence library
Stars: ✭ 45 (-29.69%)
Mutual labels:  room, architecture-components
🔥 爱吖妹纸(含 Kotlin 分支版本)——Retrofit + RxJava + MVP 架构 APP 体验代码家的干货集中营,福利多多,不容错过
Stars: ✭ 1,109 (+1632.81%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, retrofit2
A recipe finding app written in Kotlin with MVP architecture
Stars: ✭ 64 (+0%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, retrofit2
Sample to practice LiveData + DataBinding
Stars: ✭ 89 (+39.06%)
🐔🏀【停止维护,已使用Jetpack+Mvvm重构】根据鸿神提供的WanAndroid开放Api来制作的产品级玩安卓App,采用Kotlin语言,基于Material Design+AndroidX +MVP+RxJava+Retrofit等框架开发,注释超详细,方便大家练手
Stars: ✭ 674 (+953.13%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, retrofit2
This is a sample project that uses Graphql API's with Rx implementation.
Stars: ✭ 40 (-37.5%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, architecture-components
This a library that offers a generic implementation of the data layers from the clean architecture by Uncle bob.
Stars: ✭ 23 (-64.06%)
Mutual labels:  clean-architecture, retrofit2
Movie app that built with Jetpack Compose
Stars: ✭ 96 (+50%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, livedata
An app that fetches latest news, headlines
Stars: ✭ 28 (-56.25%)
Mutual labels:  room, viewmodel
T Mvvm
This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVVM architecture using LiveData,ViewModel,Retrofit,Rxjava
Stars: ✭ 630 (+884.38%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, livedata
HeadLines is a 📰 news app that delivers you with the latest news. It has interactive UI and easy to use. The app can be scrolled offline to watch your bookmarked news. Give this app a try and let me know.
Stars: ✭ 16 (-75%)
Mutual labels:  room, retrofit2
A transaction management android app which allows you to verify records from both parties before addition.
Stars: ✭ 21 (-67.19%)
Mutual labels:  room, clean-architecture
🐔🏀一个Jetpack结合MVVM的快速开发框架,基于MVVM模式集成谷歌官方推荐的JetPack组件库:LiveData、ViewModel、Lifecycle、Navigation组件 使用Kotlin语言,添加大量拓展函数,简化代码 加入Retrofit网络请求,协程,帮你简化各种操作,让你快速开发项目
Stars: ✭ 1,100 (+1618.75%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, livedata
Android App Template
Kickstart your new project with Android App Template (Kotlin + MVVM + AAC + Dagger 2 + Retrofit 2 + RxJava)
Stars: ✭ 34 (-46.87%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, retrofit2
Simple reminder app build with Kotlin + Clean Architecture + RxJava + Dagger2 + MVP + Room
Stars: ✭ 29 (-54.69%)
Mutual labels:  clean-architecture, dagger2
Ejemplos Android [Dagger2,RxJava,MVP,Retrofit2,SQLite]
Stars: ✭ 22 (-65.62%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, retrofit2
The Rick And Morty - MVVM with a clean architecture approach using some of the best practices in Android Development.
Stars: ✭ 45 (-29.69%)
Mutual labels:  room, architecture-components
Bitcoin Market app shows you the current Bitcoin market price and price chart of different time intervals 💰
Stars: ✭ 284 (+343.75%)
Mutual labels:  clean-architecture, retrofit2
Android base project used by Xmartlabs team
Stars: ✭ 47 (-26.56%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, retrofit2
121-180 of 1139 similar projects