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Top 113 architecture-components open source projects

Galway Bus Kotlin Multiplatform project using Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI
A sample project entirely written in Kotlin. Backend/Frontend with Ktor and Android app.
🏰 MVVMFrame for Android 是一个基于Google官方推出的Architecture Components dependencies(现在叫JetPack){ Lifecycle,LiveData,ViewModel,Room } 构建的快速开发框架。有了MVVMFrame的加持,从此构建一个MVVM模式的项目变得快捷简单。
The Movie Db Kotlin
The Movie DB app using Kotlin with updated Android features
MVVM example app. Quick blog post detailing the layers:
✔️ Android组件化架构,支持组件代码完全隔离/组件循环依赖/便捷集成调试/快速接入,组件内基于 mvvm结构,组件提供高度服用的模块可直接使用,采用 wanAndroid api进行迭代开发。Android componentized architecture, support component code complete isolation / component circular dependency / convenient integrated debugging / fast access, component based mvvm structure, iterative development using wanAndroid api
🎥 Movie discovery app showcasing Android best practices with Google's recommended architecture: MVVM + Repository + Offline support + Android Architecture Components + Paging library & Retrofit2.
Demonstrates various ways of using Paging library with Room (LiveData, RxJava, custom datasource)
Movieapp Clean Architecture
Learning Project (Movie App) For Applying Android Architecture Components And Clean Architecture Using MVVM With Kotlin
Kotlin example with LiveData and Data Binding usage
Android Architecture Sample
Sample app using Kotlin, Coroutines, Architecture Components and more. With Unit and Instrumentation tests.
Android project template for Gradle Kotlin DSL + 100% Kotlin + Base module + Extensions = ❤️
Mr. Alfonz is here to help you build your Android app, make the development process easier and avoid boilerplate code.
Price Tracker
Price Tracking Application - An experimental Kotlin Android project with complex android app requirements.
Boilerplates for Android Components Architecture with Rx, Dagger & Realm written in Kotlin
Podcast app that works on Android and uses latest tools (Kotlin, Navigation, Room, LiveData, Databinding)
⚒ Modular components for RecyclerView development enforcing clean, reusable and testable code, with built-in support for paging and complex hierarchies of data.
Kotlin Pokedex
🌀 A Pokedex app using ViewModel, LiveData, Room and Navigation
基于google Android Architecture Components 封装实现组件式MVP快速开发框架
Android Paging Library Step By Step Implementation Guide
Simple Android app to show how unit testing with MockWebServer and Architecture Components (ViewModel + LiveData)
Food Ordering App Like Swiggy Uber Eats Mvvm And Room Database
Food ordering app using MVVM architecture patterns, Architecture Lifecycle components and Room database.
Android Arch Components Lifecycle
A demo application showcasing the use of the new Android Architecture Components Lifecycle classes. In this example, a Lifecycle Aware Video Player is created using the Exoplayer Library
News app 🗞️ showcasing MVI architecture combined with Architecture Components
Market tech challenge
A best use case Android application sample with latest patterns. This app is developer as part of Tech Challenge.
Blockchain Tracker
A blockchain market tracking app. Example implementation of reactive clean architecture and testing.
Simple Dribbble Client using Dribbble API, fully written in Kotlin 😱 ❤️
App to change our consumption habits, fight against climate change and take part in relieving the world in hunger in our everyday life.
Base Mvvm
App built to showcase basic Android View components like ViewPager, RecyclerView(homogeneous and heterogeneous items), NavigationDrawer, Animated Vector Drawables, Collapsing Toolbar Layout etc. housed in a MVVM architecture
A sample News 🗞 app built using Modern Android Development [Architecture Components, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Kotlin, Dagger]
MovieNight is a sample Android application that uses the clean architecture approach and is written in Kotlin.
A sample Android app using Kotlin, Dagger 2, RxJava, RxAndroid, Retrofit and Android Architecture Components with a modular setup & effective networking
Simple Android app to show how to design a multi-modules MVVM Android app (fully tested)
Lives - Android LiveData Extensions for Kotlin and Java
Livedata Ktx
Kotlin extension for LiveData, chaining like RxJava
干货集中营 app 安卓实现,基于 RxFlux 架构使用了 RxJava、Retrofit、Glide、Koin等
🏄 基于Architecture Components dependencies (Lifecycles,LiveData,ViewModel,Room)构建的WanAndroid开源项目。 你值得拥有的MVVM快速开发框架:
业界首个支持渐进式组件化改造的Android组件化开源框架,支持跨进程调用。Componentize your android project gradually.
Livedata Testing
TestObserver to easily test LiveData and make assertions on them.
News Sample App
A sample news app which demonstrates clean architecture and best practices for developing android app
The implementation of Android "Architecture Components" sample explained by Google :
Kotlin Architecture Components
This is a sample app that uses Android Architecture Components with Kotlin and Dagger 2.
1-60 of 113 architecture-components projects