All Git Users → BalestraPatrick

18 open source projects by BalestraPatrick

1. Videotogif
A simple Mac app to easily convert videos to GIF.
2. Cleanclosurexcode
An Xcode Source Editor extension to clean the closure syntax.
3. Applewatchcalculator
A calculator for your Apple Watch but only if you have fingers small enough to press the buttons.
✭ 139
4. Whatsnew
Showcase new features after an app update similar to Pages, Numbers and Keynote.
5. Openit
An iOS app and a notification widget that allows the launch of other apps from the notification center.
✭ 111
6. Tweetometer
An app to see who is tweeting in your timeline.
✭ 90
7. Particlesloadingview
A customizable SpriteKit particles animation on the border of a view.
8. Hapticbutton
A button that is triggered based on the 3D Touch pressure, similar to the iOS 11 control center.
9. Squishbutton
A button that squishes when pressed. As seen in the Clips app.
10. Valuestepper
A Stepper object that displays its value.
✭ 343
11. Realmvideo
An iOS app to watch Realm videos and slides at the same time on your phone.
✭ 320
12. Stryng
Swift strings taken to a whole new syntax level.
13. appbuilders18app
The App Builders 2018 iOS and Android app built as an experiment in React Native.
14. ClangFormatter
Xcode Source Editor Extension for clang-format
✭ 85
15. EmergencyAPI
An API written in Swift for the world emergency phone numbers.
✭ 15
16. HomeKitty
A Vapor 3 website to easily browse HomeKit accessories.
17. FlightUtilities
A small app that uses the private FlightUtilities.framework to show information about any flight.
18. BadgesGenerator
A Swift playground to automatically generate personalized conference badges.
1-18 of 18 user projects