SuperstringA fast and memory-optimized string library for C++
CaseString case utitility: convert, identify, flip, extend
Number To WordsNumber to string standalone PHP library with i18n. Drivers for numbers and currency included.
PupaSimple micro templating
Superstring.pyA fast and memory-optimized string library for heavy-text manipulation in Python
CodejamSet of handy reusable .NET components that can simplify your daily work and save your time when you copy and paste your favorite helper methods and classes from one project to another
BlitzAndroid Library: Set self-updating string with relative time in TextView (e.g. 5 minutes ago)
UtilA collection of useful utility functions
StrA fast, solid and strong typed string manipulation library with multibyte support
Libchef🍀 c++ standalone header-only basic library. || c++头文件实现无第三方依赖基础库
Strman🏗A Javascript string manipulation library.
Algo TreeAlgo-Tree is a collection of Algorithms and data structures which are fundamentals to efficient code and good software design. Creating and designing excellent algorithms is required for being an exemplary programmer. It contains solutions in various languages such as C++, Python and Java.
Voca rsVoca_rs is the ultimate Rust string library inspired by Voca.js, and Inflector, implemented as independent functions and on Foreign Types (String and str).
AndroidlibraryAndroid library to reveal or obfuscate strings and assets at runtime
Dart Basic UtilsA dart package for many helper methods fitting common situations
Ssf📝 Spreadsheet Number Formatter
ValidatetorAndroid library for fast and simple string validation
StyString styling for your terminal.
CrocSwift emoji string parsing library
HtmlstringEscape and unescape HTML entities in Swift
AnalysisA tool helping you to extract useful information from strings.
StrtkC++ String Toolkit Library
ZswtaggedstringConverts Strings into NSAttributedStrings using an HTML-like markup language.
DashifyConvert a camelcase or space-separated string to a dash-separated string.
UnisUNIS: A Common Architecture for String Utilities within the Go Programming Language.
String Pixel WidthBlazingly fast measure string width in pixels on the server in Javascript (Node.Js)
Fuzzy Swift🔍 simple and fast fuzzy string matching in Swift
String InternerA data structure to efficiently intern, cache and restore strings.
String CalcPHP calculator library for mathematical terms (expressions) passed as strings
StrA SIMD optimized fixed-length string class along with an adaptive hash table for fast searching
CapeString encryption for Arduino, limited microcontrollers and other embedded systems.
Golang CombinationsGolang library which provide an algorithm to generate all combinations out of a given string array.
XibleVisualize your workflow
TinystrA small ASCII-only bounded length string representation.
ArccstrThread-safe, reference-counted null-terminated immutable Rust strings.
StringplusFunny and minimal string library for C++ inspired by underscore.string
StringProvides an object-oriented API to strings and deals with bytes, UTF-8 code points and grapheme clusters in a unified way.
Android interviews🚀Everything you need to know to find a android job. 算法 / 面试题 / Android 知识点 🔥🔥🔥 总结不易,你的 star 是我最大的动力!
TypesetDeal with AttributedString efficiently
ColorfulTerminal string styling done right, in Python 🐍 🎉
Xorstrheavily vectorized c++17 compile time string encryption.
Portable Utf8🉑 Portable UTF-8 library - performance optimized (unicode) string functions for php.