All Git Users → Commit451

23 open source projects by Commit451

1. Nativestackblur
Android StackBlur with gradle support (only for the native method)
2. Labcoat
GitLab client for Android. Mirror of project on GitLab
3. Foregroundviews
Views that supports a foreground, like FrameLayout does
4. Quickactionview
View that shows quick actions when long pressed, inspired by Pinterest
5. Youtubeextractor
A helper to extract the metadata, including streaming video Urls from a YouTube video
6. Inkpageindicator
InkPageIndicator from Plaid
7. Easel
Tint and color Android views with ease
9. Parcelcheck
Simple test to see if all models in project correctly implement Parcelable
✭ 34
10. Lift
Simple Android Application update logic component
11. Modalbottomsheetdialogfragment
Modal bottom sheet dialog based on the Material Guidelines
12. Elasticdragdismisslayout
Standard ViewGroups which responds to nested scrolls to create drag-dismissable layouts.
13. Skyhook
Parses webhooks and forwards them in the proper format to Discord.
14. Untriggered
Set CompoundButtons checked state without being so triggered
15. AdapterLayout
ViewGroup backed by RecyclerView.Adapter = magic
16. coil-imagegetter
Html.ImageGetter which uses Coil to load images
17. Teleprinter
The missing Android keyboard API
18. ehhttp
OkHttp calls as RxJava types
20. guidelines
Guidelines, patterns, and coding styles
21. MorphTransitions
Morph transitions from buttons to dialogs and back
23. ScrimInsetsLayout
ScrimInsetsFrameLayout from the design support library
1-23 of 23 user projects