Icinga VagrantVagrant boxes for Icinga 2, Icinga Web 2, modules, themes and integrations (Graphite, InfluxDB, Elastic, Graylog, etc.)
Laravel Aws EbReady-to-deploy configuration to run Laravel on AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
ElastixA simple Elasticsearch REST client written in Elixir.
FleetxPaddle Distributed Training Extended. 飞桨分布式训练扩展包
EctsElastic Crontab System 简单易用的分布式定时任务管理系统
QuickloggerLibrary for logging on files, console, memory, email, rest, eventlog, syslog, slack, telegram, redis, logstash, elasticsearch, influxdb, graylog, Sentry, Twilio, ide debug messages and throw events for Delphi/Firemonkey/freepascal/.NET (Windows/Linux/OSX/IOS/Android).
Elastic StackAprenda Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana e Beats do jeito mais fácil ⭐️
SigmauiSIGMA UI is a free open-source application based on the Elastic stack and Sigma Converter (sigmac)
Icinga2Icinga is a monitoring system which checks
the availability of your network resources, notifies users of outages, and generates
performance data for reporting.
ElasticElastic Stack (6.2.4) 을 활용한 Dashboard 만들기 Project
Elastic DockerExample setups for Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, and Beats with docker-compose
RedelkRed Team's SIEM - tool for Red Teams used for tracking and alarming about Blue Team activities as well as better usability in long term operations.
ZhpopupcontrollerHelp you pop up custom views easily. and support pop-up animation, layout position, mask effect and gesture interaction etc.
Syslog Ngsyslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and output methods: syslog, unstructured text, queueing, SQL & NoSQL.
OverlaycontrollerOverlayController easily pop your custom view and provide optional transition animation. written in swift 5.0
SentinlKibana Alert & Report App for Elasticsearch
Siem From ScratchSIEM-From-Scratch is a drop-in ELK based SIEM component for your Vagrant infosec lab
Elasticsqlconvert sql to elasticsearch DSL in golang(go)
Elasticviews✨ An easy way to implement an elastic touch effect for Android.
ElasticviewElastic view is a regular CardView, which can flex from user touches
ZentralZentral is an open-source solution for infrastructure monitoring and endpoint event stream processing. It provides build-in orchestration of macOS security components (Santa, Osquery, et-al.), event correlation and event management. It consolidates its features with various data store backends (ElasticStack, Azure Log Analytics, Splunk, et-al.).
PfelkpfSense/OPNsense + ELK
Android NosqlLightweight, simple structured NoSQL database for Android
ElastichdElasticsearch 可视化DashBoard, 支持Es监控、实时搜索,Index template快捷替换修改,索引列表信息查看, SQL converts to DSL等
pubsubbeatAn Elastic Beat to ingest data from Google Pub/Sub
elastyA research-oriented elastic body simulator
kibana graphInteractive Network Graph Visualization For Kibana (unmaintained)
app-search-flask-appThis is an example of a Python Flask app with Elasticsearch/ Elastic App Search with respective Python Clients
kafkabeatKafka event forwarder build on top of Elastic Beats platform