ToxCommand line driven CI frontend and development task automation tool.
Env CiGet environment variables exposed by CI services
CisternA terminal UI for Unix to monitor Continuous Integration pipelines from the command line. Current integrations include GitLab, Azure DevOps, Travis CI, AppVeyor and CircleCI.
MetrogitA git visualization tool that's more than just git
Ci DetectorDetect continuous integration environment and get information of current build
TicTasks Integrating Continuously: CI-Agnostic Workflow Definitions
Ci BuildstatsLittle widget to display AppVeyor, TravisCI, CircleCI, GitHub Actions or Azure Pipelines build history charts and other SVG badges.
R AppveyorTools for using R with AppVeyor (
CatestaCatesta is a PowerShell module project generator. It uses templates to rapidly scaffold test and build integration for a variety of CI/CD platforms.
Bors Ng👁 A merge bot for GitHub Pull Requests
Polly 🔧 Collection of CMake toolchain files and scripts for cross-platform build and CI testing (GCC, Visual Studio, iOS, Android, Clang analyzer, sanitizers etc.)
SakuraSAKURA Editor (Japanese text editor for MS Windows)
Cibuildwheel🎡 Build Python wheels for all the platforms on CI with minimal configuration.
Taoquicka cool QtQuick/qml component library and demo(一套酷炫的QtQuick/Qml基础库和示例)
Ci helloworldA simple example of how to setup a complete CI environment for C and C++
SkyhookParses webhooks and forwards them in the proper format to Discord.
CI-UtilsUtilities for running Common Lisp on CI platforms
cake-buildDemonstrates a basic build of a .NET NuGet package using
baseScripts used to build R 3.3 - 3.6 on Windows (retired)
CPP TemplateC++ project template : CMake, Test, Travis CI, Appveyor, CodeCoverage, Doxygen
mini-qmlMinimal Qt deployment for Linux, Windows, macOS and WebAssembly.
llvm-package-windowsProvides LLVM binary packages for an (almost) complete Windows build matrix. Built and packaged by GitHub Actions.
ChromecastChromecast desktop app: Node.js, Electron, React & Material-UI.
switchSwitch is a small logic game that demonstrates usage of Pixar USD and Hydra on Windows.
spring-discord-botDiscord all-purpose bot, made using Spring Boot, JPA, Hibernate, REST, HikariCP. Written for fun, do not take this serious.
kiosk-demo-electronPackage and distribute Electron Apps and run them in Kiosk mode on Windows 10
templatesCollection of Conan recipe + CI templates
cibuildwheel🎡 Build Python wheels for all the platforms on CI with minimal configuration.
HaxeCIAn example of using CI for Haxe projects.
scikit-ciSimpler and centralized CI configuration for Python extensions.
appveyor-discord-webhook⛓ Here's your serverless solution for sending build status from AppVeyor to Discord as webhooks.