All Git Users → Nebo15

11 open source projects by Nebo15

1. Ecto mnesia
Ecto adapter for Mnesia Erlang term database.
2. Logger json
JSON console backend for Elixir Logger.
3. Multiverse
Elixir package that allows to add compatibility layers via API gateways.
4. Gandalf.web
Open-Source Decision Engine and Scoring Table for Big-Data.
5. Renew
Mix task to create mix projects that builds into Docker containers.
6. Sage
A dependency-free tool to run distributed transactions in Elixir, inspired by Sagas pattern.
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7. Annon.api
Configurable API gateway that acts as a reverse proxy with a plugin system.
8. Confex
Useful helper to read and use application configuration from environment variables.
9. rbmq
Simple API for spawning RabbitMQ Producers and Consumers.
10. mouth
Simple adapter based SMS sending library
11. ecto trail
EctoTrail allows to store Ecto changeset changes in a separate audit_log table.
1-11 of 11 user projects