All Git Users → RxSwiftCommunity

49 open source projects by RxSwiftCommunity

1. Rxdatasources
UITableView and UICollectionView Data Sources for RxSwift (sections, animated updates, editing ...)
2. Rxnimble
Nimble extensions making unit testing with RxSwift easier 🎉
✭ 231
3. Rxfirebase
RxSwift extensions for Firebase
✭ 195
4. Rxkingfisher
Reactive extension for the Kingfisher image downloading and caching library
5. Rxreachability
RxSwift bindings for Reachability
6. Rxswiftutilities
Helpful classes and extensions for RxSwift
✭ 177
7. Rxwebkit
RxWebKit is a RxSwift wrapper for WebKit
8. Rxgrdb
Reactive extensions for SQLite
9. Rxmediapicker
A reactive wrapper built around UIImagePickerController.
✭ 174
10. Rxrealmdatasources
An easy way to bind an RxRealm observable to a table or collection view
11. Rxcoredata
RxSwift extensions for Core Data
✭ 148
12. Rxvisualdebugger
WIP! Very quick and very dirty test for a visual Rx debugger
✭ 145
13. Rxstate
Redux implementation in Swift using RxSwift
14. Rxstarscream
A lightweight extension to subscribe Starscream websocket events with RxSwift
✭ 141
15. Rxcorelocation
RxCoreLocation is a reactive abstraction to manage Core Location.
16. Rxreduce
RxReduce is a lightweight framework that ease the implementation of a state container pattern in a Reactive Programming compliant way.
✭ 122
17. Rxlocalizer
RxLocalizer allows you to localize your apps, using RxSwift 🚀
✭ 117
18. Rxasdatasources
RxDataSource for AsyncDisplayKit/Texture
19. Rxbibinding
Reactive two-way binding
✭ 112
20. Rxflow
RxFlow is a navigation framework for iOS applications based on a Reactive Flow Coordinator pattern
21. Rxalamofire
RxSwift wrapper around the elegant HTTP networking in Swift Alamofire
22. Rxgooglemaps
RxSwift reactive wrapper for GoogleMaps SDK
✭ 86
23. Rxkeyboard
Reactive Keyboard in iOS
25. Rxpager
Pager for RxSwift
✭ 56
26. Rxswiftext
A collection of Rx operators & tools not found in the core RxSwift distribution
27. Rxgesture
RxSwift reactive wrapper for view gestures
28. Rxfilemonitor
RxSwift wrapper around CoreFoundation file events (FSEvent*)
✭ 51
30. Rxrealm
RxSwift extension for RealmSwift's types
31. Action
Abstracts actions to be performed in RxSwift.
✭ 793
32. Rxanimated
Animated RxCocoa bindings
✭ 651
33. Rxoptional
RxSwift extensions for Swift optionals and "Occupiable" types
✭ 615
34. Nsobject Rx
Handy RxSwift extensions on NSObject, including rx.disposeBag.
✭ 524
35. Rxmarbles
RxMarbles iOS app
✭ 450
36. Rxviewmodel
ReactiveViewModel-esque using RxSwift
37. Rxtheme
Theme management based on Rx
38. RxAlert
No description, website, or topics provided.
39. RxTask
An RxSwift implementation of a command line runner.
40. RxMultipeer
A testable RxSwift wrapper around MultipeerConnectivity
Content of the website
42. FirebaseRxSwiftExtensions
Extension Methods for Firebase and RxSwift
43. RxController
A library for developing iOS app with MVVM-C based on RxFlow and RxSwift.
45. RxCookbook
Community driven RxSwift cookbook 🍴📚
✭ 51
47. RxBinding
Simple data binding operators ~> and <~> for RxSwift.
48. RxCoreMotion
Provides an easy and straight-forward way to use Apple iOS CoreMotion responses as Rx Observables.
49. RxEventHub
`RxEventHub` makes multicasting event easy, type-safe and error-free, use it instead of `NSNotificationCenter` now!
1-49 of 49 user projects