Mobileapp Pentest CheatsheetThe Mobile App Pentest cheat sheet was created to provide concise collection of high value information on specific mobile application penetration testing topics.
GitinyAn iOS app for GitHub with exploring trending
Expenso IosA Simple Expense Tracker App built to demonstrate the use of SwiftUI, CoreData, Charts, Biometrics (Face & Touch ID) and MVVM Architecture.
To Do一个无后端待办事项应用,数据用 LeanCloud 进行同步。
Uniapp AdminMuti-platform management system for uniapp, H5, Android, IOS, Min Program
Ios OctopodiumDiscover your Github ranking based on your repositories' stars
Ionic Starter Template Reinventing the wheel, again! Sorry Ionic Team... but there are many newbies learning on Youtube!
Mycoretextlabel图文混排 , 实现图片文字混排 , 可显示常规链接比如网址,@,#话题#,手机号 , 邮箱号等 , 可以自定义链接字,设置关键字高亮等功能 . 适用于微博,微信,IM聊天对话等场景 . 实现这些功能仅用了几百行代码,耦合性也较低
XcfitFull Stack Protocol Oriented BDD in Xcode for iOS app with Swift using XCUITest, Cucumberish and FitNesse
MuzonchikiOS Music App that let you search, download and play music
UpcomingmoviesMovies app written in Swift 5 using the TMDb API and demonstrating Clean Architecture, Dependency Injection, MVVM and Coordinators.
NotetakerA simple note taking app for macOS and iOS which uses Realm and CloudKit for syncing
Lovefreshpeakapp ocIOS电商购物APP: 爱鲜蜂OC版,规范的代码风格,使用Masonry布局适配所有ios机型 Shopping e-commerce projects, using automatic layout, suitable for any Ios model Website ;
Bookstore Ios Sample iOS App - A collection of examples and patterns for Unit Testing, UI Testing, handling Result/Optionals, writing documentation, and more. Details in README.
Swiftui TutorialsA code example and translation project of SwiftUI. / 一个 SwiftUI 的示例、翻译的教程项目。
Reduxmoviedb🎥 See the upcoming movies! ReSwift + RxSwift 💖 Hacktoberfest 🎃
Area51Open source Reddit client for iOS built entirely in Swift
Swift project原OC项目用swift实现,纯swift项目,可作为学习swift的demo,包含多个自定义控件,并且进行封装网络请求库,结构清晰。
Todayx 🌈Flutter App:🎊「今日份的X」(每天推荐一个:图片、诗歌、名言、音乐、乐评、高等数学、两种配色、化学方程式、Github Repo、知乎问题、文章)
HushNoiseless Browsing – Content Blocker for Safari
Model2appTurn your Swift data model into a working CRUD app.
BarkBark is an iOS App which allows you to push customed notifications to your iPhone
AnypickerjQuery Picker Library for Android, iOS & Windows Phone. eg Date Picker, Time Picker, DateTime Picker, Custom Select etc
Ios Rubik SolverAn iOS app that detects a 3x3 Rubik's cube, recognizes the color of all cubies, solves it and provides a 3D visualisation of the solving process.
Sol☀️ Sol° beautifully displays weather information so you can plan your day accordingly. Check the weather in your current location or any city around the world. Implemented in Objective-C.
Flutter medicalFunctioning Doctor/Healthcare Catalog App created using Dart with Flutter. Stores and loads data from Firebase Firestore DB.
LittlegoLittle Go. An iOS application that lets you play the game of Go on the iPhone or iPad.🦁 🃏 📱 An animal matching puzzle card game– built with turn-based game engine and React-Native + React-Native-Web