All Git Users → hrbrmstr

82 open source projects by hrbrmstr

2. Docxtractr
✂️ Extract Tables from Microsoft Word Documents with R
✭ 139
3. Streamgraph
〰️ htmlwidget for creating streamgraph visualizations in R
4. Metricsgraphics
📈 htmlwidget interface to the MetricsGraphics.js D3 chart library
✭ 128
5. Sergeant
💂 Tools to Transform and Query Data with 'Apache' 'Drill'
6. Splashr
💦 Tools to Work with the 'Splash' JavaScript Rendering Service in R
7. Newsflash
Tools to Work with the Internet Archive and GDELT Television Explorer in R
✭ 83
8. Darksky
☁️ R interface to the Dark Sky API [APPLE IS SHUTTING DOWN THE API 2021-12-31]
✭ 81
9. Freebase
👃🏽A 'usethis'-like Package for Base R Pseudo-equivalents of 'tidyverse' Code
✭ 77
10. 21 Recipes
📕 An R/rtweet edition of Matthew A. Russell's Python Twitter Recipes Book
11. Ggcounty
🌐 Generate ggplot2 geom_map county maps
✭ 66
12. Decapitated
Headless 'Chrome' Orchestration in R
13. Orangetext
🍊📄 : An #rstats project to keep track of The 🍊 One's speeches
✭ 53
14. Ggeconodist
📉 Create Diminutive Distribution Charts
15. Dtupdate
The dtupdate package has functions that try to make it easier to keep up with the non-CRAN universe
16. Ggvis Maps
Examples of various kinds of maps in ggvis (with & without shiny)
✭ 50
17. Iptools
🍴 A toolkit for manipulating, validating and testing IP addresses and ranges, along with datasets relating to IP addresses. While it primarily has support for the IPv4 address space, more extensive IPv6 support is intended.
✭ 44
18. Ndjson
♨️ Wicked-Fast Streaming 'JSON' ('ndjson') Reader in R
19. Overpass
ℹ️ Tools to Work With the OpenStreetMap (OSM) Overpass API in R
✭ 40
20. Mactheknife
🦈 Various ‘macOS’-oriented Tools and Utilities in R
21. Worldtilegrid
🔲🗺 World Tile Grid Geom for ggplot2 [WIP]
✭ 35
22. Longurl
ℹ️ Small R package for no-API-required URL expansion
23. Crafter
🔬 An R package to work with PCAPs
24. Secede 2014
R dplyr/tidyr/rvest/TopoJSON tutorial using the 2014 Scotland secession vote
✭ 20
25. Pewpew
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Build your own IP Attack Maps with SOUND!
26. Newsfreq
R package to search for keyword frequencies in news articles via
✭ 9
27. Ipv4 Heatmap
Update to The Measurement Factory ipv4-heatmap codebase
✭ 26
28. Hrbrmisc
personal R pkg
✭ 24
29. Hrbrthemes
🔏 Opinionated, typographic-centric ggplot2 themes and theme components
31. Ggalt
🌎 Extra Coordinate Systems, Geoms, Statistical Transformations & Scales for 'ggplot2'
32. Markdowntemplates
✅🔻 A collection of alternate R markdown templates
33. tdigest
Wicked Fast, Accurate Quantiles Using 't-Digests'
34. QuickLookR
macOS QuickLook plugin for R save(), saveRDS() & feather files
35. shodan
🌑 R package to work with the Shodan API
36. elpresidente
🇺🇸 Search and Extract Corpus Elements from 'The American Presidency Project'
38. epidata
📉 Tools to Retrieve Economic Policy Institute Data Library Extracts in R
✭ 20
39. ggchicklet
🀫 Create Chicklet (Rounded Segmented Column) Charts
40. attckr
⚔️MITRE ATT&CK Machinations in R
41. adobecolor
Use Adobe swatch files as R color palettes
✭ 16
42. statically
📸 Generate Webpage Screenshots Using the Statically API
43. hrbraddins
Additional Addins for RStudio
44. fileio
⏳ Ephemeral File, Text or R Data Sharing with ''
45. firasans
🔏 Fira Sans Condensed + Fira Mono Font Theme Based on hrbrthemes
47. webhose
🔨 Tools to Work with the '' 'API' in R
48. jericho
📔 Extract plain or structured text from HTML content in R
49. nifffty
Small R package to post events to IFTTT Maker channel/recipes
✭ 39
50. warc
📇 Tools to Work with the Web Archive Ecosystem in R
1-50 of 82 user projects