ChunkedChunkwise Text-file Processing for 'dplyr'
Sergeant💂 Tools to Transform and Query Data with 'Apache' 'Drill'
FriendlyevalA friendly interface to tidyeval/rlang that will excuse itself when you're done.
SspipeSimple Smart Pipe: python productivity-tool for rapid data manipulation
Big Data🔧 Use dplyr to analyze Big Data 🐘
RsqlserverSQL Server DBI for R, based on the jTDS driver
TidyquantBringing financial analysis to the tidyverse
SiubaPython library for using dplyr like syntax with pandas and SQL
Tidyexplain🤹♀ Animations of tidyverse verbs using R, the tidyverse, and gganimate
Moderndive bookStatistical Inference via Data Science: A ModernDive into R and the Tidyverse
MultidplyrA dplyr backend that partitions a data frame over multiple processes
DtplyrData table backend for dplyr
TidylogTidylog provides feedback about dplyr and tidyr operations. It provides wrapper functions for the most common functions, such as filter, mutate, select, and group_by, and provides detailed output for joins.
TimetkA toolkit for working with time series in R
TidyTidy up your data with JavaScript, inspired by dplyr and the tidyverse
dplyrExtrasSome extra functionality that is not (yet) in dplyr, e.g. mutate_rows or s_filter, s_arrange ,...
starwarsdbRelational Data from the Star Wars API for Learning and Teaching
parcours-rValise pédagogique pour la formation à R
casewhenCreate reusable dplyr::case_when() functions
datarA Grammar of Data Manipulation in python
tutorialsShort programming tutorials pertaining to data analysis.
implyrSQL backend to dplyr for Impala
datawizardMagic potions to clean and transform your data 🧙
CSSS508CSSS508: Introduction to R for Social Scientists
eeguanaA package for manipulating EEG data in R.
dplyoverCreate columns by applying functions to vectors and/or columns in 'dplyr'.