Top 159 ebook open source projects

Open Publisher
Using Jekyll to create outputs that can be used as Pandoc inputs. In short - input markdown, output mobi, epub, pdf, and print-ready pdf. With a focus on fiction.
Regex For Regular Folk
🔍💪 Regular Expressions for Regular Folk — A visual, example-based introduction to RegEx [BETA]
Laravel Book
Up to date Epub, Mobi and PDF versions from the official Laravel Docs
Ultimate Go
The Ultimate Go Study Guide
Fast, standalone EPUB to KEPUB converter CLI app / library (and a few other utilities).
Pandoc Book Template
A simple Pandoc template to build documents and ebooks.
Learn gnugrep ripgrep
Example based guide to mastering GNU grep and ripgrep
Bitcoin On Nodejs
C library for handling Kindle (MOBI) formats of ebook documents
An eBook Framework (CSS + template)
Spring Boot Book
Spring Boot 开源电子书
This is the repo for FicSave, an open-source online fanfiction downloader.
React Book
From apprentice to master (CC BY-NC-ND)
📖📖📖📖📖 写给软件工程师看的硬件编程指南
Asciidoctor Epub3
📘 Asciidoctor EPUB3 is a set of Asciidoctor extensions for converting AsciiDoc to EPUB3 & KF8/MOBI
Awesome Computer Science Ebook
Leading source of ebooks, with a vast range of ebooks from academic, popular and professional publishers.
《我的职业是前端工程师》 - Ebook:I'm a FrontEnd Developer
Webpages To Ebook
Create an EPUB from a list of URLs. Standing on the shoulders of Wget, Readability and Pandoc.
编程随想的电子书 Github + IPFS 墙内镜像,每天同步
Vim reference
:q Vim reference guide for beginner to intermediate users
✭ 127
📖 HonKit is building beautiful books using Markdown - Fork of GitBook
Novel Grabber
Novel-Grabber can download novels from pretty much any webnovel and lightnovel site.
Javascript Inspirate
📖 JavaScript, ¡Inspírate! por Ulises Gascón
The Economist Ebooks
经济学人(含音频)、纽约客、自然、新科学人、卫报、科学美国人、连线、大西洋月刊、新闻周刊、国家地理等英语杂志免费下载、订阅(kindle推送),支持epub、mobi、pdf格式, 每周更新. The Economist 、The New Yorker 、Nature、The Atlantic 、New Scientist、The Guardian、Scientific American、Wired、Newsweek magazines, free download and subscription for kindle, mobi、epub、pdf format.
Serverless 架构应用开发指南 - Serverless Architecture Application Development Guide with Serverless Framework.
Worm Scraper
Scrapes the web serial Worm and its sequel Ward into an eBook format
Kobo Book Downloader
A tool to download your purchased Kobo books and remove the DRM from them.
Study E-Book(ComputerVision DeepLearning MachineLearning Math NLP Python ReinforcementLearning)
Pwning Juice Shop
GitBook markdown content for the eBook "Pwning OWASP Juice Shop"
Command Line Text Processing
⚡ From finding text to search and replace, from sorting to beautifying text and more 🎨
Maintenance Book
”SurviveJS — Maintenance” book
Opc Ua Ooi
Object Oriented Internet - C# deliverables supporting a new Machine To Machine (M2M) communication architecture
Mybatis Test
Performance Handbook
Webフロントエンド パフォーマンス改善ハンドブック
cs books
✭ 93
100 page python intro
🐍 Short, introductory guide for the Python programming language 📗 ⚡️
Promises Book
JavaScript Promiseの本
Work crawler
Download comics novels 小说漫画下载工具 小説漫画のダウンローダ 小說漫畫下載:腾讯漫画 大角虫漫画 有妖气 知音漫客 咪咕 SF漫画 哦漫画 看漫画 漫画柜 汗汗酷漫 動漫伊甸園 快看漫画 微博动漫 733动漫网 大古漫画网 漫画DB 無限動漫 動漫狂 卡推漫画 动漫之家 动漫屋 古风漫画网 36漫画网 亲亲漫画网 乙女漫画 comico webtoons 咚漫 ニコニコ静画 ComicWalker ヤングエースUP モアイ pixivコミック サイコミ;アルファポリス カクヨム ハーメルン 小説家になろう 起点中文网 八一中文网 顶点小说 落霞小说网 努努书坊 笔趣阁→epub.
The Python Standard Library By Example
《Python3 标准库》电子书和配套代码 "The Python Standard Library by Example" ebook and source code 一本又厚又全的讲解Python3标准库的书籍(1000多页)适合当作字典参考或者闲暇时慢慢阅读。
SecStory (Security Story) adalah buku digital yang berisi kumpulan donasi cerita, ditulis oleh para pemangku kepentingan keamanan siber di Indonesia.
Kindle maker
a tool to make mobi-format file wich could be load into Kindle
21 Recipes
📕 An R/rtweet edition of Matthew A. Russell's Python Twitter Recipes Book
Real Time Rendering 3rd Cn Summary Ebook
📘 电子书 -《Real-Time Rendering 3rd》提炼总结 | 全书共9万7千余字。你可以把它看做中文通俗版的《Real-Time Rendering 3rd》,也可以把它看做《Real-Time Rendering 3rd》的解读版与配套学习伴侣,或者《Real-Time Rendering 4th》的前置阅读材料。
Calibre OPDS (and HTML) PHP Server : web-based light alternative to Calibre content server / Calibre2OPDS to serve ebooks (epub, mobi, pdf, ...)
✭ 1,130
Freecad mod dev guide
Ebook: Module developer's guide to FreeCAD 's source code
Ebook Building An Api Backend With Microprofile
Building an API Backend with MicroProfile
An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats, running on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices
Shellman Ebook
Guide on shell scripting with Shellman vscode snippet
Geektime dl
把极客时间装进 Kindle,内含快手内推等福利
Nes ebook
A mini book on writing NES emulator using rust lang
1-60 of 159 ebook projects