All Git Users → marty-suzuki

30 open source projects by marty-suzuki

1. Martyjunior
You can change tab contents with swipe gesture on middle of UITableView!!
✭ 250
2. Theanimation
Type-safe CAAnimation wrapper. It makes preventing to set wrong type values.
3. Githubsearchwithswiftui
SwiftUI and Combine based GitHubSearch example.
✭ 183
4. Hoverconversion
HoverConversion realized vertical paging with UITableView. UIViewController will be paged when reaching top or bottom of UITableView contentOffset.
✭ 167
5. Noticeobservekit
NoticeObserveKit is type-safe NotificationCenter wrapper.
6. Ducttape
📦 KeyPath dynamicMemberLookup based syntax sugar for Swift.
7. Fluxcapacitor
This is what makes the Flux design pattern possible.
8. Sahistorynavigationviewcontroller
SAHistoryNavigationViewController realizes iOS task manager like UI in UINavigationContoller. Support 3D Touch!
9. Reverseextension
A UITableView extension that enables cell insertion from the bottom of a table view.
10. Msalertcontroller
MSAlertController has same feature at UIAlertViewController.
✭ 118
11. Prex
🔁Unidirectional data flow architecture with MVP and Flux combination for Swift
12. Qiitawithfluxsample
A sample project uses Flux and MVVM features with RxSwift.
13. Continuum
NotificationCenter based Lightweight UI / AnyObject binder.
✭ 83
14. Sasecretcommandviewcontroller
You can use secret command with swipe gesture and A, B button. Show a secret mode you want!
✭ 43
15. Githubclienttestsample
A GitHub client sample for User Action Logs testing.
✭ 17
16. Urlembeddedview
URLEmbeddedView automatically caches the object that is confirmed the Open Graph Protocol.
17. Iosdesignpatternsamples
This is Github user search demo app which made by many variety of design patterns. You can compare differences in MVC, MVP, MVVM and Flux.
18. Sablurimageview
You can use blur effect and it's animation easily to call only two methods.
19. Misterfusion
MisterFusion is Swift DSL for AutoLayout. It is the extremely clear, but concise syntax, in addition, can be used in both Swift and Objective-C. Support Safe Area and Size Class.
20. Sainboxviewcontroller
UIViewController subclass inspired by "Inbox by google" animated transitioning.
✭ 299
21. Sacollectionviewverticalscalingflowlayout
UICollectionViewLayout that performs scaling up and down automatically on disappearing cells, and applies UIDynamics.
✭ 277
22. Saparallaxviewcontrollerswift
SAParallaxViewControllerSwift realizes parallax scrolling with blur effect. In addition, it realizes seamless opening transition.
✭ 258
23. MOAlertController
No description, website, or topics provided.
24. ReuseCellConfigure
You can configure ReusableCell without casting!
26. SAWaveToast
Show text with wave animated background and floating animation.
27. TicTacToe-SwiftUI
Unidirectional data flow tic-tac-toe sample with SwiftUI.
28. SplittableViewKit
A cell of IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0) in UITableView is automatically moved to left view when device rotated.
29. SABlurImageViewObjc
No description, website, or topics provided.
30. PickerButton
PickerButton is subclass of UIButton that presents UIPickerView in UIKeyboard.
1-30 of 30 user projects